four » empty your mind

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Melanie entered Professor Snape's office instead of the Divination classroom for her Occlumency and Legilimency lessons the next day. She was very nervous, she didn't know what was to come. All the research she had been doing taught her what Occlumency and Legilimency was, but they didn't teach her how her lesson with Snape would go.

What if he peeks into her darkest nightmares? What if he peeks into her worst memory? For his sake, Melanie hoped he would only stray on the surface of her mind. She didn't want a soul to know her worst memory or her darkest nightmares. Anyone would think she was weak and they would pity her. She did not want that. At all.

"Come in, Miss Avery," said Snape, gesturing for her to sit on a stool far from the door of this office; which was large, dark and had many jars filled with Potions ingredients and other liquids.

His desk was a big black table that had a glass top with many, many things on it. From scattered parchment to cauldrons and potion making ingredients to a set of very fancy looking quills with black, blue and purple ink beside them. There were also a few shelves that had blueish liquids that seemed to be swimming in many small crystal phials. Melanie recognised these as memories to be used in a Pensieve.

"Now, let's start. You will start with Occlumency. I will perform Legilimency on you and you will try to resist by using Occlumency." Melanie almost thought Snape was going to leave it at that and not explain what Occlumency and Legilimency actually was. Of course Melanie had done her research and knew the basics on what they were, but she wanted to hear it in Snape's way.

"Occlumency and Legilimency are both... interesting and... well, obscure types of magic, but are highly useful. When used in the right way." Snape gave Melanie a stern look before continuing. "The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing. Or at least most minds are... It is true, however, that those who have mastered Legilimency are able, under certain conditions, to delve into the minds of their victims and to interpret their findings correctly. Occlumency, however, blocks attempts of Legilimency if mastered. A strong Occlumens would be able to resist two of the Unforgivable Curses, but only one can never be resisted. And you know which one that is, Miss Avery."

"But, sir, the Killing Curse has been defeated, once, by Harry Potter, hasn't it?" Melanie asked. But she didn't realise she said something she shouldn't have until Snape immediately returned to his usual angry state, he was even more angry now that Melanie said Harry Potter's name.

"Moving on," Snape continued, getting his wand out. "Empty your mind of all emotion, Avery, and focus on closing your mind, lock it tight, like a door. Your mind should be blank and empty. Prepare yourself!" He pointed his wand at her and shouted, "Legilimens!"

Melanie tried to empty her mind, lock her mind to intruders. But she felt a sort of shock and pressure as her memories of yesterday passed through her mind.

Harry Potter waving at her in the Great Hall, her laughter when Ron told her about his brother's inventions, Amelia sticking her tongue out at her, the look on Draco's face when she 'burned' him.

"Focus, Avery!" Snape urged. "Empty your mind and lock the door. Legilimens!"

This time, Melanie tried harder. She couldn't have Snape going through her memories. Imagine his face when he learns, he will pity you. Melanie urged herself to try harder with those words. This time, she didn't feel any sort of pressure or shock, she didn't go through her thoughts or memories. She only remained blank, like nothing was happening.

"Much better! Again!" Snape didn't utter a word as he used the spell wordlessly. Melanie kept her walls up and again, she didn't feel a thing as Snape tried to evade her mind.

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