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Evie always believed in fate. Like it was fate that an apple chose to fall onto Newton's head; like it was fate that out of all the minutes and seconds of each day, gravity decided to unleash its pull onto that particular apple. Fate, to Evie, had always been the most ultimate force that bounded mankind together.

She believed in it religiously, even when she was 7 years old and her crush, Toby, told her it was stupid then broke her wooden doll. Even when her mother abandoned her at the age of 5 and left her with nothing but a wooden doll that was as hollow as the mother-daughter relationship that they never shared. She never gave up hope, not even now when she's 16 years of age.

Fate was the one thing that kept her sane throughout her entire life. As long as she believed that everything happened for a reason that was greater than her existence, she could accept any excuse for every bad thing that has ever happened to her. She understood that for every good thing, there was a necessity for a terrible thing to happen.

So when her father  (who was also her best friend of approximately 16 years and 9 months) was shot violently due to no known reason at all, she finds herself searching for the very excuse that could explain why fate, again, the only thing that kept her sane for so long, is now the only thing that is ripping her apart and slowly dragging her six feet underground.

Well, fate and you know, other gravitational forces.

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