Go to school

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John, wake up.

No, you do not wish to wake up. You do not want to leave you warm comfortable bed, but...

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Today is Friday and you have school, so you must get up, plus you would really like to keep your sense of hearing. You reluctantly sacrifice your arm to go and turn off that damned clock. The first try you ended up missing and accidentally knocked your glasses on the floor. Whoops. After three intense tries, you finally get it once you get frustrated enough and sweep it off your little end table.

You groan and lay there for a minute, staring up at the blurred ceiling as you debate over whether or not to go to school today. Psh yeah right. As if dad would let you skip a school day just because you were feeling too lazy.

You roll over to the side of your bed—a small shiver runs down your spine as you feel the cold sheets touch your skin—and reach down and grope various areas on the floor in search for your glasses. Once you find them, you slide the cold plastic on your face and begin to prepare yourself for your day.

Your outfit consists of plain jeans, a blue hoodie, and some normal tennis shoes. You put your ghost busters shirt on underneath your hoodie. You quickly brush your teeth and grab your backpack from your room before you steadily head down the stairs.

You find your dad standing over the stove with his silly 'Kiss the cook' apron on, you see him pour pancake mix onto the pan while you glance at the stack he has sitting next to him. He didn't seem to notice your presence though, so you muster up enough energy and try your best to sneak past him and snatch a pancake from the pile. You fail miserably. You run at your top speed to the stack, yank the off the top one, end up accidentally tipping over the pile, and dart out of the room thinking that you've succeeded. But you didn't. You ended up tripping over the corner of your couch on your way to the front door and fall to the ground, making a large thud. Your pancake, sadly, flew out of your hands and smacked the wall beside the door before finally landing on the floor.

"John?" Your dad calls out, taking a break from the demanding work of making pancakes and leans into the doorway to peak at you. "Are you alright?"

You instantly stand up and turn around fast enough to brace yourself for the flying breakfast food that was aimed at you. The pancake hits your chest and you waste no time on catching it before it falls.

"Imokaybyeloveyouhaveagoodday!" You shout, your voice raising slightly in pitch before collecting your things and darting out the door. You run down your neighborhood for a small amount of time, fear that your father will throw more pancakes at you, before steadying yourself to a walking pace. You sigh and tear a small chunk off your fluffy(well flattened) breakfast cake and pop it into your mouth as you swiftly walk to school. You notice that the sky is hidden underneath a blanket of grayish clouds, it's been like this for a few days. You hope that today isn't the day that it finally decides to rain, you didn't bring your umbrella.

You pass Rose's house on the way and almost do a double take when you see her emerge from it. She's wearing an old white shirt with some purple octopus on it(you never did understand what that thing was), a black skirt, and knee high white socks with her normal white shoes. You stop abruptly and turn around to greet her with less than half of your eaten pancake in your hand.

"Rose!" You shout excitedly with a mouth full of fluffy goodness as the blonde hurries over to you, throwing the strap to her black messenger bag over her arm.

"Hello, John." Rose says in that familiar calm voice as she comes to a stop to greet you, you notice that she looks a bit.... distraught..? You can't really tell because of that well placed mask that seems to hide most of her emotions. She gives you a small smile and nods to your nearly eaten pancake, "I see that someone has had a filling breakfast." she tries to hide her chuckle with her hand but fails miserably, you no long see any traces of uncertainty and let yourself smile.

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