Just Another Normal School Day

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Dave, regret everything you have just said.

Whoops, looks like you're already 100 steps ahead of us.

You slide a hand up and underneath your shades and rub at your eyes. You let out a big groan and lean against your white bedroom door, only to slide down and onto the floor. You rest your elbows on your knees and bite the inside of your cheeks.

God why did you have to say that? You know she's only trying to look out for you , you didn't have to snap and be a little brat. You didn't have to insult her by calling her clingy, or say that you don't need her.

You both know that's a lie.

You hate how childish you were being, all she did was try to get you to walk to school with her and her friend, John.

You internally beat the shit out of yourself as you bang your head back against the door.

She'll probably get over it by noon. You know Rose won't blame you for your bitchy mood, she understands that you're still buried with stress since school has started and the stuff that happened with... bro.. She knows that it's not easy coping with a loss, especially if it was someone close to you, that's why she's always been supportive with you and tries to give you some space.

You sigh. You aren't supposed to be acting like this, like a childish little brat. Bro didn't raise a pussy, he probably expected you to get over his death, by at most, a week. But no. Here you are, still not over it. You hate not having someone to strife with, because of this, your shitty swords are nothing more than just props. You miss his presence, even if he was gone a lot, you never truly felt alone. Hell, you even miss Cal and all his weird puppet porn episodes. You miss it all and you hate it.

You snap out of your self loathing when you hear the front door close. You hop up from the floor and walk to your window to peak outside. You slightly move your dark curtains aside and peer out from behind them, you see Rose walking from the house to go and greet that... One kid.. You have already forgotten his his name even though Rose talks about him all the time, but you know it starts with a 'J'. Was it, John? Jim? You can't remember.

You've seen him around school a few times and now that you think about it, you realize that you share some of your classes with him, 4th, 6th, and 7th period to be exact(you don't know how you remember that). You don't really know much about him though, the only thing you know is that he's the school's punching bag, which, for some reason, rubs you the wrong way. You're sure he's a good kid from what you observed, he's always polite and never talks back, does his homework and shit like a fucking nerd(you're allowed to say that because fuck you is why), so why him. You remember voicing your opinion to the majority of the kids who would kick the poor guy around, and basically called them a bunch of spineless pussies because they pushed around some kid smaller than them. Now you know this really didn't do much, but at least every time Jeffery was within your eyesight, nobody would even look at him. You even told those goons that Rose was your twin sister(they believed it, what a bunch of imbeciles), so now whenever Rose was around him no one would touch him.

You watch them interact for a while before noticing that pancake in his hand. You frown as you hear your stomach screams for food.

You decide you've been a peeping tom long enough and head down stairs and head to the kitchen, you've already gotten ready for school so there's no rush. You fix yourself a bowl of Apple Jacks and seat yourself at the wooden table. As you chew a spoonful of the delicious sugary goodness, one of the O's get stuck on your tongue piercing. Oh yeah, you forgot you had one in. You don't understand how you forgot about it. Maybe it was because of the clear ball at the top of  the barbell, or maybe it was because you were a familiar with the feel of it, seeing as you had had this piercing for a year. Or maybe it's because you're a forgetful idiot. Either way, you untangle the food from it and continue scarfing down your breakfast. When you finish your nutritious breakfast and plop your dirtied dishes in the sink you check the time.

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