Dreadful Day

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Your day could've gone better, you suppose. After screaming into poor Kanaya's shoulder for over half of your lunch period while Karkat explained what happened to everyone at your table, you realize that your day has progressively gotten worse.

You've found a small sticky note, with barley readable writing on it, on your locker after lunch that says, 'loser' 'fag >:B' 'cunt'. The misuse of your own emoticon shoots a mixture of fear, but mostly anger through you. After you crumpled up that note and quickly discarded the monstrosity, you went to 5th period.

5th period was band and band was always fun for you, especially when you played the coolest instrument in the entire band room, the marimba! Sadly, band could not provide you with the aid that you needed that day, and you found yourself being more and more distracted as you continued to think about that note. The people that bother you rarely leave notes, but whenever they do, they mostly have something in mind for you after school and it's honestly quite frightening to think about whenever you recall previous beatings that they've given you.

Struggling to keep pace with the rest of the band as you recklessly played the marimba—due to your thoughts—you receive worried looks from Rose and Jade but quickly reassured them that nothing is wrong with a small, goofy, performance of one of your school's song. You know that they don't fully believe when you say that everything is fine, but they know that you would rather not talk about it. However that doesn't mean that they won't worry about you, so they keep their guard up and glue their watchful eyes to you.

6th and 7th period rolled around and before today, you never realized that Dave had these classes with you, which puts you even more on edge. Not that you're interested, but to avoid all contact with him you had to occasionally stare at him and find his seat so you could sit in the chair that was the farthest away from him, even if that means earning you some offensive slurs that could make anyone self-conscious and feel bad about themselves. Jokes on them, you've already heard these slurs before and nothing can put your self esteem down lower than what it already is. It honestly can't get worse for you.

Aside from the occasional insults, 6th and 7th end quite smoothly and no body really gets physical with you, which rewards you with a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.

When the final bell rings signaling everyone to get the hell out, you can't help but break into a mini sprint to get to your locker.


You have completely forgot that after school was a thing and now you're rushing to leave, not wanting to find out what happens to you once everyone leaves or when you decide to leave and head home. Wait, Rose walked to school with you today, so does that mean you're walking home with her? Oh thank god. As much as you hate to admit it, Rose is basically your indestructible shield when it comes to situations like these. Now don't get yourself wrong, basically anyone that you hangout with is a shield(except Karkat, they think it's funny to piss him off although they've never addressed their bullying to him), but for some reason with Rose, it's completely different. No one shoots you glares or harasses you from the other side of the hallway, no one even speaks to you and it's just perfect.

You smile to yourself and feel your chest flutter with happiness as you walk to Rose's locker to wait for her. She has class all the way across the building, so it will take her a moment to reach you. You rock back and forth on you heels with your hands gripping the straps of your light backpack when a minute or two passes. After that it's five, the hallways start thinning and you brush off any form of panic that bubbles in your mind.

The seconds tick by at a painful rate and every moment turns into eternity, what's up with this hallway why is it so hot? You tug at the collar of your shirt as your face grows moist with sweat, then, it hits you...

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