Resist the Urge to Scream

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What the fuck.

John, explain what just happened.

You cannot explain what just happened considering you yourself have no idea what exactly had just occurred.

You know that Rose walked to school with you in the for the first time in forever. You know that her car gave Rose her notebook, which was really strange. You know that the both of you arrived at school with very few minutes to spare. You remember challenging Rose to a small race, which she politely declined to. And then...

You rounded the corner and that's when it happened. You got a face full of some guy's chest, you're positive that you accidentally punched him in the gut considering the small 'oof' that emerged from him. Running into him was like running into a brick wall. You try to steady yourself from the blow but fail miserably, and your clumsy ass falls right to the floor while a jolt of pain erupts at your lower back and below. It takes everything you have to not whine out in pain and roll away, although you do send a hand to nurse your wounded ass. Your glasses almost fly off your face but somehow manage to barely hang onto the tip of your nose. Thank god that didn't happen, or else you would be like Velma from Scooby-Doo, and have to blindly grope the floor in hopes of finding them.

Wait what is it? You're getting sidetracked, stop that Egbert, who did you just run into?

You look up to face the poor guy who you just accidentally socked in the stomach, and immediately regret getting out of bed this morning. At that moment you realize that there is no point to think about your future anymore, your life is now in the process of ending and you scare yourself with how easily you accept your fate.

The 'poor guy' who you just ran into, socked in the stomach, and now that you realize it, made them drop all their stuff, is the one, the only, Dave fucking Strider. Dave Strider as in the guy who moved here a couple months ago, who apparently has swords and knows how to use them, who could probably flick you and you'd be hospitalized, and the coolest kid in the entire state of Washington who has everyone swooning over him. You know that if he, for some reason, doesn't decide to beat you to a pulp, then someone who just witnessed this crash will. You highly doubt that though, it doesn't matter what you do in this school, someone will at least give you a hard time. Andbyhardtimeyoumeanbeattheshitoutofyou.

You sputter out apologizes to him and gather up his scattered, unfinished, papers in hopes that he could give you a quick and painless death.

"A-ah! I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't looking where I was going and-and I didn't mean to run into you, I was in a hurry a-and I didn't want to be late and-"

Before you could finish vomiting out your apologies, you hear him tell you to stop and that he'll get it.

Oh god. This is it.

He only said that just to get you off your guard. He's going to grab you by the collar and beat you senseless, then his followers will come and finish you off. You wonder what your Nana is like, seeing as you will meet her shortly.

He bends down to rip you off the floor and you reflexively flinch, not really wanting to start off the week with a beating. Ha, you know how this works Egbert, you're already know everything that's about to happen, so ha.... You try your best to humor yourself in situations like these.

"Dude, chill I'm just getting my shit," Dave says, placing his hands in front of his chest to seem non-threatening, while kneeling down on the floor in front of you. "no need to act like I'm going to punch you or something."

You look at him, dumbfounded. Whoa hold up, he's no going to grab you? This is a joke, it has to be.

You watch him collect all of his papers—only because he told you not to—and wonder when he's going to make his next move. You know it's going to happen any second so you try to brace yourself for the 'unexpected' punch.

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