Let's Take a Walk

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Well fuck, your Friday could've gone better.

You're were in a pretty—un-ironically—bitchy mood already due to the incident this morning with your idiocy, and now your mood has worsened since the end of the school day.

And Lalonde. Fucking Lalonde.

Why does she think that you're going to stretch your neck out for some kid that you don't even interact with. The words that she whispered in your ear rings in your head.

'If needed, you may beat the shit out of those assholes.'

What the fuck.

She may have just been extremely pissed and spat out words without realizing what she's saying, but you know better, Lalonde is always careful with her words and never makes any mistakes regardless of petty emotions such as anger. You know she said that as a way to encourage you to stand up for her friend and try scaring off those guys for good with some brute force. You know if Rose could, she could've beaten everyone to a bloodied pulp long before, but alas, she couldn't damage her spotless record(plus John might be traumatized by the way that Rose fights. Even you wouldn't want to pick a fight with her. Shits brutal as hell).

You never even had a conversation with John until this morning(although you wouldn't consider that a conversation), even now, as you're walking down the sidewalk with the dork you two aren't conversing. Why the hell would you get into a fight for him? Shoving and fighting are two completely different things, you wouldn't consider that fighting for him. Now that you think about it....


You know that as soon as they saw your face they would've instantly stopped and let you get the poor kid out of there, but no. You just had to shove those guys and get the fucking kid all because the sight pissed you off.

Great. You're sure rumors will start up that you and John are BFF's due to that stunt. Although it's not like you really care, you just know that Makara will hear it, and him being the gullible shit that he is, he'll try to get poor John to smoke with you two, just like what he tried to do with the short angry guy that's his 'BeSt MoThEr FuCkInG fRiEnD'. You're sure Rose would kill you if that ever happened and you're positive that John would have a heart attack of Makara did "ask" him.

Now don't get yourself wrong, it's not like you hate John, it's just that you don't know him enough to even like him. You wouldn't even consider yourself acquainted with the guy until now.

You don't even know why you agreed to walk John home. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE HE LIVES, DAVE WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!

Urgh, you need to stop thinking about this, it's making you angry and antsy. You pinch the bridge of your nose and let out a somewhat annoyed sigh. You're just really in a pissy mood and you're almost positive that you're giving off a really negative vibe. You're probably making poor John uncomfortable or even intimidated and that makes you feel like shit. He's clearly not doing too well since fatso 1, fatso 2 and toothpick gave him trouble. You truly do feel bad for him, the way that he was trembling on the floor made you sympathetic and struck a chord with you. You suppose that's why you got physical with them.

You clench your jaw and fists while twisting the barbell in your mouth and gnawing on the clear bulb. You're really getting tired of yourself for being in such a pissy mood, which ultimately ends up putting you into an even shittier mood.

"... You don't have to walk me home.." John says for the umpteenth time, still sounding small and scared as he does so. Although this time he sounds more fearful and worried, you feel a little bad for making him feel uncomfortable and awkward. You feel bad for all the shit that he has to deal with.

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