It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess

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It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess

Chapter 1

Do you ever get the feeling that you're not from this time? Like maybe, you're meant to be living in the future, or maybe the past? Do you ever feel like the people you know and trust are lying to you?

I get these feeling's all the time. Sometimes when a big group of people surrounds me I still feel alone. I might sound like some kind of freak that prefers to sit by herself in a corner and cry, but I'm really not. I have many friends, best friends even and a big family that loves me. I just feel like I'm not meant to be here and I feel like there's something missing, like there's a piece missing from my personal puzzle, and my time to get it back is running out.

My name is Belle Valentine, I am 17 years old but I'll be 18 in three weeks. I have three brothers and a sister; there's, Noah the oldest he's 21, then there's Nolan 19, and the youngest of my siblings Nate who is 15, my sister's name is Nichole and she's just turned 20. My parents names are Jenna and Mark, they've been together since they were 16; high school sweet hearts, they were Nolan's age When Noah was born. I love my family more than anything, we've always been really close.

I look very different from the rest of my family, which adds to my feelings of not belonging. I have long wavy black hair that reaches the small of my back, crystal blue eyes, a small perky nose and full red lips and I have a light natural tan. Nichole and Nate have my father's light brown hair while Noah and Nolan have my mother's strawberry blond hair; they all have dark brown eyes and a pale complexion. When we go out people usually think I'm a family friend, at first I was offended now it's just really annoying.

I have two best friends named Tianna and Carter. I first met Tianna when we were nine, it was third grade, this girl Melinda in our class had said something about her younger brother-he has autism- so Tee grabbed Melinda's beautiful blonde hair and decided to give her a little haircut, there was practically no hair left by the time she was through with her masterpiece. While our classmates ran around looking for teachers or trying to keep off Tee's bad side and become her next victim, I sat there and clapped. I got detention for 2 weeks because Melinda decided to tell the principal that I was a part of it. During detention Tianna decided that I was "worthy" of her friendship and asked me if I wanted to be best friends, I ignored the worthy part and agreed, life has never been boring since then. Tianna's the kind of person you never piss off and if you say anything that isn't considered nice about me, Carter or her family, you'll be lucky if you have one last breath to apologize.

I met Carter when he came to our elementary school when we were twelve. It was his first day and he accidentally bumped into Tianna, knocking her and her special notebook to the ground. Tianna being who she is carefully got up off the ground and pushed Carter up against a wall, he looked like he was going to pee himself, she punched him once in the stomach before I stepped in to stop her i stood in front of him as she was swinging again and she punched me instead. She apologized to me once and then started yelling at me for getting in the way; that was the first time I ever stopped Tianna from hurting somebody. I asked Carter if he wanted to join us for lunch that day, which caused a nice elbow to my ribs from Tee. She told me that it was inconsiderate of me to invite someone to join us without consulting her first, I told her that Carter couldn't be that bad considering he didn't cry when she hit him like other guys did, that got her "tough people" are her kind of people. Carter has stuck with us ever since that fateful day.

Tee has never had a boyfriend, it's not like she's ugly actually far from it, she's about 5'8 with long curly blond hair and light green eyes. She says it's because the guys at our school are not "worthy enough to get with her" the real reason is because she's beat up every guy we know and they're all afraid of her. I haven't had a boyfriend either, guys ask me out all the time but, they're afraid of the package I come with(Tianna and Carter) once last year Carter even punched a guy who was in my math class his name was Dustin. He was very sweet and we sat next to each other all semester until he asked me to go to a movie with him. Carter and I were waiting for Tee to come out of detention when Dustin came up and asked and Carter just randomly punched him in the nose before I could say yes. Dustin stayed away from me after that and I stopped talking to Carter for a week but he apologized to Dustin and me so I forgave him. Tee was so proud when she found out, that was the first time Carter was ever violent. Tee has always thought that Carter had a crush on me but was too much of a pussy to ever tell me, I know she's wrong though, I think that little episode last year was a protective brother move not a possessive boyfriend move. She hit me in the back of the head when I told her that, so now I keep my opinions to myself. Carter has had a girlfriend though. He went out with this girl Anika last year. She was that fake plastic bitch no one liked, and she definitely didn't fit in with our little group. She of course cheated on Carter and dumped him but before she could go without a nice parting gift Tee punched her and broke her nose, it was one of the grossest things I've ever seen, it was practically off her face that's how bad it was. As you can tell I wasn't lying, life is never boring with Tianna.

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