It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess (Ch.6)

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It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess

Ch 6

We were all sitting at our dinner table talking, eating and catching up. All being mom, dad, Nic, Nolan, Noah, Nate, Carter, and myself.

"So, Carter, Have you put the moves on my sister yet?" Nolan bluntly asked.

Carter blushed and looked down eating his food. I kicked Nolan in the leg.

"Shut up, you bafoon! God you're so rude."

"I was just asking a question, jeez. Everyone knows you two like each other. It's not like it's breaking news."

"Seriously, open that mouth of yours again and I'll shove your food and your plate down your throat." I threatened.

He opened his mouth again and I stood up but he immediately shut his trap. With a smug smile, I sat on my chair and continued to enjoy my lunch. Poor Carter sat beside me shifting uncomfortably. I'm going to kill Nolan later.

My dad cleared his throat, and broke through the awkwardness, "So boys, how long you stayin'?"

"We'll be outta your hair by next Saturday Pops." Noah answered with a grin.

"Why so long?" Nic asked.

"What, you don't want us here?" Nolan asked.

"I'm not even going to be here. Not that I envy the people who are, but I was only able to get away for three days."

"Yeah well, I'm thinking about dropping out of school." Noah replied.

Mom choked, "Excuse me?!"

"Chill mom, I was only kidding." He laughed.

She glared at him, not appreciating his little joke.

"So, what's new Carter?" my dad asked.

"Not much."

"Carter got a job at Bo's" Nic butt in.

"Really? That's great! Belle you should work at Bo's."

"Uh, no thank you."

"Your fathers right Belle, I think you should start working too. And Bo's would be great. You know all the employees and Carter working there is a big plus."

"Right well, I don't think I need one so..."

"Nonsense, it will be good for you. Don't you think so Carter?" My dad asked.

Carter smirked and I glared him, "Yep, a great learning experience!"

"Wonderful! Carter when you go back to work talk to Bo about Belle being a waitress."

"Sure thing Mrs.V." he smiled smugly.

I glared and mouth 'I hate you' to him.

I got up, not feeling up for my family's crap. I tapped Carter's arm, "Wanna go up to my room?" He nodded and we stood up. When we were almost out of the dining room, we heard wolf whistles coming from my brainless brothers. I turned around to flip them off and Nichole hit them both in the back of the head (she was sitting between them).

Carter lay across my bed and I sat leaning against its headboard. "What the hell is your problem? What did I ever do to you?" I yelled at him.

"You laughed at me about working there." He shrugged.

"So what, this is your payback?"

He shrugged again. I hit him in the face with a pillow. "You dick! I would have never done that to you! What kind of best friend are you?!"

He shrugged again closing his eyes. I hit him in the face with my pillow continuously and spoke between each whack; "If (whack) you (whack) shrug (whack) one (whack) more (whack) time (whack) I'll (whack) shove (whack) this (whack) pillow (whack) up (whack) your (whack) nose!"

He grabbed my pillow and threw it against the wall, but that didn't stop me. I pounded my fists on his chest. He grabbed my fists fast and aggressively, he flipped us over so his body was lying on top of mine. I was breathing hard; his face was so close to mine, his hazel eyes boring into my blue.

"Relax, It's not the end of the world okay? We're going to suffer together alright? Now if you sit up like a good little girl I'll let go." I wasn't so sure I wanted him to let go. It was weird but I definitely liked this position. His voice sounded husky, and very sexy. He was leaning in closer, there was practically no space between us, his lips brushed mine as if he was going to kiss me; so close, and then he hopped off me, walked across the room, picked up my pillow and threw it at me grinning. I lay there still in complete shock. We were so close, I was so sure he was going to kiss me. And I couldn't tell if I was more relieved or disappointed.

Nichole went back to school about twenty minutes ago. Carter was still around and he was acting as if whatever happened earlier never happened and it pissed me off. I'm not even sure why. He went on as if everything was normal and I couldn't even look him in the eye. It felt so awkward; I don't know how he isn't even slightly affected by it.

I want him to leave. I can't stand this, it's just too weird. We're in my room watching The Hangover. I can't even enjoy my favourite movie. I keep seeing him lying on top of me, his eyes so intense, the feelings I felt while it all happened so fast. It ended so fast, too fast. I mentally slapped myself on the forehead. I'm not supposed to feel this way about Carter.

I blame my family, people at school and especially Tee. It's all their fault. Always saying that we like each other; that we're going to end up together in the future. It's all bullshit! I'm having violent thoughts, like Tee thoughts. I guess you could say, I may kill someone soon, and if Carter stays here, I don't think I can hold back. I'm still ticked about the whole job thing.

Fuck! Now I have to work with him. I can't even look at him. F M L.

Avoiding eye contact I tried getting his attention, "Hey, Carter?" From the corner of my eye I saw him shift.

"I think we should pack it in. I'm exhausted."

"Oh okay," he stood up and walked to my bedroom door, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Uh... actually I'm busy tomorrow so..."

"We have school tomorrow you know?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Oh... uh yeah I know. I won't need a ride. I have to get to school extra early and I don't want to bother you with having to get up earlier and stuff." I said looking down at my shoes.

"Um okay if your sure," I nodded "are you okay Belle?"

"Yeah, just tired. Bye, see you later."

"Okay, Bye?" He walked out my door.

I closed my bedroom door and threw myself on my bed, and buried my head in my pillow.

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