It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess (Ch.4)

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Chapter 4

Nichole finally decided we could go home at about 2:30am. We got home at around 3:15 and I was exhausted, I couldn't wait to get into my warm comfy bed.

Today is Friday and thank god, there's no school today. I didn't really feel like seeing Hunter again. I only talked to him for like half an hour and already found him irritating. He really doesn't know how to take a hint either.

So Tee has this family thing out of town. She's going to her cousins wedding, but it's about four hours away so she left this morning with her mom and 8 year old brother Dylan. Carter and I are going to the mall. Apparently, his parents want him to get a job; they basically said not to come home until he finds one, so I'm going to help him out. Today should be fun.

I went downstairs for some breakfast. I found Nichole sitting at the kitchen table; she looks like a zombie.


She jumped and glared at me, "Shut up will you. I have a major headache." She hissed.

"Maybe if you didn't drink so much last night you wouldn't feel like shit this morning." I laughed.

"I don't remember asking for your comments."

"mhmm." I mumbled while I rummaged through the fridge to find something to eat.

"So what are you up to today?" she asked.

I found some strawberries already cut up and started eating them before I answered.

"Helping Carter look for a job."

"And you're an expert right? Because you actually have one yourself." She teased.

"Ha, ha. Whatever, he asked for my help; I'm just being a good friend and helping him out. Plus I have nothing better to do anyway."

She got up and put her coffee cup in the sink by me.

"Well then good luck to Carter, with your help he'll need it." I shoved her slightly.

She laughed and then went upstairs.

Carter came by to pick me up at 11:30. He was thinking the earlier we start the sooner he could go home. I was thinking: don't care as long as I'm not at home being tortured be Nichole.

We were now at the mall entrance. There were a lot of teenagers around since there isn't any school, not too many adults though; probably working.

"Okay so where to first?" I asked Carter.

"I don no, You're supposed to be helping me."

"Okay well what do you like to do? I don't recommend working in some place like Mc Donalds, dealing with annoying customers for hours."

"So no fast food joints then. What else is there?"

"It's a mall we're bound to find something. Let's check out West 49. You can get discounts, and use them to get me stuff." I winked playfully.

He chuckled, linked his arm with mine, and headed for West 49.

Okay so West 49 didn't quite work out. They aren't hiring now. So we tried Foot Locker; same situation. Carters also very picky. He won't work at Stitches because a lot of people shop there and he doesn't was to deal with them. He won't work at Garage because he thinks people will think he's gay... don't even ask about that one, he was becoming creative with his excuses. I never realized how tiring helping Carter could be. I think being tortured by Nichole would be less painful.

We gave up about 20 minutes ago. No one was hiring. Can you believe that? A mall full of stores and not one was hiring or good enough for Carters standards. Now we're at Baskin Robbins getting some yummy ice cream.

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