Its Pronounced Waitress Not Princess (Ch.7)

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Chapter 7

I got up at 6:00 this morning to take a shower and get ready for school. I wasn't in the mood to care about how I looked today. I had my new yellow hoodie and my black skinnies on. I didn't bother putting on any makeup and I pulled my long black hair into a messy ponytail with my bangs swept to the side.

Nate was still sleeping and I hadn't told him that I was leaving early or that he needed to find another ride because Carter wouldn't be coming by. He's gonna be mad, but at the moment I don't care. He'll get over it.

I left the house at seven and walked to school. I didn't need to be there early, I just wanted to keep my distance from Carter today. I feel like a coward.

I really hope this awkward thing isn't going to be for long. I liked how things were before. Even with all that teasing. I really need Tee to get back soon, she would have never let this all get so awkward. But she's only getting back Friday and will only be coming back to school on Monday.

The air was cool, and the sun was beginning to peek out from behind the clouds. Everything felt so calm, there weren't any birds singing from the trees like there usually was, which I was definitely thankful for because those damn birds piss me off especially when I'm trying to sleep. All I could hear was the whisper of the wind. It felt like nothing could break the atmosphere. I kept walking and I didn't even realize I had reached the building. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time; there's 40 minutes 'til school starts.

I don't want to go in yet. So, I walked to the little park across the street. I sat on one of the three swings, and took in my surroundings. There were two dogs running around, chasing each other on the grass field; their owner, I'm guessing, is the old lady sitting on the bench that's facing the field. There wasn't anyone else here. Just a couple of kids waiting at the bus stop that takes them to their elementary school.

I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out; text message from Carter.

Carter: Where ru? The final bell is goin to ring in 10mins.

Oh, shit. I texted him back telling him I was already in first period. Thank God, we don't have first together.

I ran into the school, all the way to my locker. I grabbed everything I needed for my morning classes. I closed and locked my locker as the final bell rang. Fuck. I ran to class but was stopped be the hall monitor who stops anyone who's in the halls while the morning announcements are on. I stood there and tapped my foot impatiently glaring at Tommy Wilkins the suck up Hall Monitor. He takes this little job too seriously. My hand is twitching to hit him.

Finally, the principal shuts up, and puts me out of my misery. I run the rest of the way to class ignoring Tommy's threat about giving me a detention for running in his hallway. Whatever, I'll let him live. Later the football team will do with him what they normally do. According to routine, I think its dumpster swimming.

I got to class, where I was going to take my usual seat in the back next to Jacob. Instead I find some girl sitting there trying to talk to him.

"Belle, is there something wrong?" Mrs. Larson asks.

"Uh... yeah. There someone in my seat."

"Well I changed the seating plan. If you bothered to show up to class on time, you would have known that. Take your seat next to Mr. Jinx."

Too bad the football team can't make her go dumpster swimming. I would pay them. I looked around to find my seat, the only available one was in the back next to-What the hell is HE doing here?

I dragged my feet sluggishly to the back of the class and took my new seat next to Hunter. Why is it that everywhere I turn, he pops up?

"Hey, Babe." HE said grinning.

I slowly turned my head to face him "Don't ever call me that again. And what the hell are doing here? You weren't in this class before." I hissed.

He shrugged. "How was your weekend?" He asked, completely ignoring my question.

"It was amazing! My family and I went unicorn hunting, and then we partied with leper cons, after we went over the rainbow to help look for their gold!" I said sarcastically.

"No way! Are leper cons nice? I have always wanted to meet one. You have to take me with you next time!" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well do you want to hear about my weekend?" I shook my head no. "Okay, so I spent my whole weekend trying to get scrambled eggs out of my hair!" Oops, I still need to apologize for that. "Doesn't it sound fun? Well not as cool as those unicorns and tripping waiters, but pretty damn awesome!"

"Okay so you know it was me. Sorry, but I swear it wasn't on purpose. I was hoping the food would land on my sister. This by the way never would have happened if you hadn't kept staring at me."

"I was not staring at you!"

"My God man! You were directly smiling at me the whole time; you're like a very obvious stalker. First, you don't hide yourself and stare out in the open, now you magically turn up in my class when last week I never had to see you. What's next? You gonna kidnap me?"

He scoffed, "Stalker HA! Please, don't flatter yourself."

I narrowed my eyes at him and was about the reply when Mrs. Larson slapped a ruler down on my desk, causing me to jump.

"Looked like you two were having an intense conversation back here, care to share?"

I shook my head and Hunter sat there looking down at his hands. "Oh Come on! The class and I are very interested."

I shook my head again. She slapped the ruler on my desk again. "I said share."

"O my god! We were talking about how stupid this class is, and how you don't teach us anything, instead you rant about your sad life. And we should get paid for having to listen like we're your therapists!" I yelled.

Hunter looked at me wide-eyed, shaking his head furiously, denying everything I said. "Shut up Hunter, she wanted to know."

Mrs. Larson was red in the face. She's going to blow. "ONE MONTH DETENTION, EVERYDAY AFTER SCHOOL, 3 HOURS! BOTH OF YOU!"

Oh no! Looks like I won't be working after school. Oh, cruel world!

She turned and walked to the front of the class, and sat at her desk; she didn't talk for the rest of the period.

Hunter was glaring at me and I smiled my Innocent Angel smile at him, "I just wanted her to leave us alone. Did you want me to tell her about how you're stalking me? I think not."

"I'm not st-" Riiiing!

"OH look, the bell. It was nice chatting with you!" I grabbed my stuff and walked to second period.

Yay! Art with Carter.


Art wasn't too bad. We got a new project assignment, so we actually did our work. But turns out Hunter is in that class too. Carter didn't particularly like that.

At lunch we went to sit in the court yard, under the shade of a big oak tree. Things are getting better. What happened last night meant nothing; I shouldn't get worked up over it.

"So, are we going to go to work together or do you want to go home first and meet up there after?"

"Oh, uh... well..."

"Oh god, what now?"

"Okay well, ya know how I told you Hunter is now in my English class? Well we were talking, well more like arguing, and then Mrs. Larson starts yelling at us telling us to share what we were talking about and we wouldn't, so she freaking slaps a ruler down on my desk, like a freaking psycho path! So I may have said some things about how she needs therapy and other stuff. Long story short, I got Hunter and me detention for a month every day after school."

"Only you, Belle, only you." He shook his head.

I grinned at him and took a bite of my pizza.


School is over. Turns out, Hunter is in every one of my classes now. I spent all day with him and now I'm stuck with him for three more hours in detention. I swear he's stalking me. How lucky am I? I think I'm gonna have to talk to the football team; maybe give Tommy a little break.

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