It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess (Ch.8)

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Chapter 8

It was after school and I was sitting in one of the empty classes that were being used for detention. It's been twenty minutes and Hunter hasn't shown up yet and neither has our detention supervisor; which is wonderful for me. Maybe I'll get lucky and they won't show up at all. I'll just sit here for three hours listening to my iPod, just to avoid going to work.

The door opened, hitting the wall with a bang in the process, with Mr. Stalking Murderer walking in. "Fear not Babe I'm here! I wouldn't leave you to die of boredom without my charming presence." Hunter grinned and pulled up a chair next to me, sitting too close for comfort.

"Try creepy and cocky presence." I laughed.

"I'll pretend you didn't say that."

"I would try to pretend as if you weren't here, but you're making me feel claustrophobic and it's hard to ignore. So could you remove yourself from my breathing space and sit somewhere in an unnoticeable corner? Thanks 'Babe'."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, if anyone deserves to be mad here it's me."

"Oh really? Enlighten me."

"Well first, you accuse me of stalking you which is ridiculous, and second you had to say all that shit to the teacher landing us in detention everyday for a month for three fucking hours!"

"It's your fault! You're always talking to me and you can't take a hint!"

"What hints are you trying to make clear then?"

"Dear God, you're an air head too! Forget it!"

"Hey Belles! Miss me?" I heard someone call from the door.

"What the hell are you doing here Carter?" I asked as he took the seat on the other side of me.

"I got detention too."


"Cause I'm a bad boy who deserves to be punished!" He said lifting his ass up as if I was supposed to spank him *shudders*. That is wrong on so many levels. Well at least everything is back to normal between us.

"You freaking idiot! You did something stupid to get detention so you wouldn't be able to go to work!"

He fake gasps, "I am hurt Belles. These accusations, they put a strain on our friendship. I'm not sure our friendship can progress under these circumstances."

I don't justify that act with a response, instead I smack him upside the head; all the while, Hunter is laughing and enjoying the show in the background. "Ow Belles! Okay so I got detention as an excuse for missing work; sue me! But you did too!"

"Actually, it was her big mouth that got her in trouble; I don't think getting detention was intentional. Stupid, just seems to flow out of that trap naturally." Hunter butt in.

"You better shut your trap before I grab that pair of scissors over there, and cut off that tongue of yours." I said glaring at him. He was about to come up with a response but Carter cut him off.

"Dude, she isn't kidding. If you don't keep quiet, after she's through with you, you'll never speak again."

Hunter moved in closer, once again interfering with my breathing space. "What a temper for such a small girl." I glared at him and I was just about to him in the head when our supervisor walked through the doorway.

"Miss. Valentine keep your hands to yourself. And Mr. Johnson move to the back of the class, Mr. Jinx move to the back, opposite of Mr. Johnson." Carter slowly picked up his Jansport backpack and sat at the back of the class and Hunter did the same, sitting on the opposite side of the room from Carter.

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