It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess (ch.10)

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Chapter 10

This had to be the dumbest thing I've ever had to listen to. I mean come on, I'm really a Princess? What kind of sick joke is this? Oh and now, random people I don't know want me dead. Why? I'd love to know why too.

I seriously can't believe the people I thought were my family had actually posed as my family.

Carter was quiet the whole time as he processed my "mothers" words. After hearing that WONDERFUL dinner news about how people have been trying to kill me for almost eighteen years, Carter decided that this was about as much excitement he could take in one night and he abandoned me with a bunch of crazies. Did I ever mention how much of a great friend he is? No I haven't? Well good, don't count on it.

So after my "best friend," left *cough* abandoned *cough*, I all but kicked Hunter, his sister and my long lost mother out the front door. But Hunter of course could not leave gracefully, he protested, stating I was taking this all too lightly, that I should hear them out, and go with them. He is honestly stupid.

I took a long steaming hot shower, and put on my very comfortable 'Betty Boop' pj's on. I ignored everyone downstairs, listening to my iPod blasting from my iHome. I took out my sketchbook from under my bed and tried to draw to take this crap off my mind.

As I ran my pencil across the page, I heard a loud noise from my bathroom. I grabbed my pencil (hey, its sharp and the only thing close enough to use as a weapon, don't judge me.) and quietly tip toed to the noise. My hand was reaching the doorknob but before I could touch it, the door swung open, I screamed and threw my handy weapon and ran into my closet.

"Ow, my eye! What the hell!"

I poked my head out and saw Hunter, squinting and trying to blow up into his own eye. What an epic fail. I told you the pencil was handy.

"What the hell were you doing in my bathroom? And why the hell are you here?!

Rubbing his eye he answered, "I climbed through your window, but my landing was sloppy."

"Okay, no matter how much you try to blow into your eye, it won't magically stop the burning. And once again, why are you here?"

He huffed and walked into my bathroom. I rolled my eyes and followed him. He was slashing water in his eyes. I stood by the doorframe waiting for an explanation. Once he was done tending to his minor injury (big baby) he turned to look at me.

"I really need to talk to you about earlier. I know this must be hard to believe but, Amelia didn't tell you everything."

I sighed and went to sit on my bed. Whether I'd let him or not, Hunter wouldn't leave 'til he explained more.

I laid back and got comfortable, "Proceed." He smiled and sat next to me on my bed.

"Okay so, you're a princess and I'm a prince-"

"Thank you captain obvious!"

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Let me finish! So, as I was saying, you are a princess and I'm a prince but, not of a country and not of this ... world."

"What do you mean 'not of this world'?"

"Well, minor detail... we aren't exactly human."

"I love how you find the time to make a joke of all this. Props to you buddy." I growled.

"Belle I'm being serious."

"Right well it sounds like you're off your meds."

"Just shut up and let me talk."

"Rude." I coughed.

He rolled his eyes and continued with his nonsense, "We are kind of what you would call a mixed breed between a fairy and a wizard. We are called Summer Sprites. We have powers like wizards and we use Summer Dust, like fairies, in all of our spells. Our skin glows a bright orange; right now, we are both under a Glamour spell so we look like normal humans. We can fly, without wings but because of the Glamour spell, we can't. You have been under the spell since you were two. Our world, the sprites world, where you are truly from is called Dream Land. There are also Winter Sprites; their skin glows blue and they are very tiny creatures, most of them are bitter little things as well; to meet a kind one is rare."

I sat there and took it all in, I couldn't help but ask, "Are there Sprites for like spring and fall?"

"Nope, just Summer and Winter Sprites. But they aren't the only creatures in Dream Land. There are also elves, Starlight Faeries and Pocket Dragons. These are the kind creatures. Winter Sprites are rude but they are not the things you should worry over."

"What should I be worried of?"

"The vampires, but they are in the Underworld. Sometimes we do encounter vampires but they haven't been a threat for a while. Ogres are usually hiding in the Midnight Forests ready to pounce on their prey."

"What kind of creatures are trying to get me?"

"The Fire Pixies. They look like regular people, minus the fact that they breathe fire and shoot fire from their fingertips. They're like hunters, dangerous and when they are on a mission they will kill what or whoever is in their way, like your father was."

"T-that's how he died? Protecting me?"

Hunter nodded solemnly. I feel horrible. My dad died because of me. I felt a sob build up in my throat. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself.

"W-why are they after me? Why do they want me d-dead?"

He took a deep breath before he spoke, "Your dad was from the most powerful bloodline. There was this thing that was passed down from your ancestors, kind of like a prophecy, it stated that the child of Aaron Veera would be the most powerful of all Dream Land creatures; he or she would rule with his or her beloved. This served as a threat to the Fire Pixies, it was absurd for a Summer Sprite to rule over a Fire Pixie, they wouldn't have it. Once King Aaron married the love of his life, now known as Queen Amelia Veera, the Fire Pixies began planning the Golden Sprite's death. Your death. Once you were finally born, they sent threats to your parents. On your second birthday they attacked your families kingdom. Your mother had been friends with Valentines for a couple of years, when things become more dangerous for you she cast the Glamour spell and sent you to them."

I hadn't realized I was crying until Hunter started to wipe my tears with his thumb. He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear, "I'm so sorry."


I'm sooooo sorry it's been a while since i've updated

That was probably an unexpected turn, i hope it doesnt sound stupid

if it does sound stupid let me know.

I really hope you guys liked it though

Vote, comment and hopefully fan (yn)

- slcemo :)

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