It's Pronounced Waitress Not Princess (Ch.2)

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Chapter 2

First period I have English. English is so boring; all Mrs. Larson does is talk. She doesn't even talk about the lesson, no she talks about her divorce. Honestly, what's the point in talking about it, we live in such a small town that by the end of this month (2 weeks more) every single person in this town will know about it.

Mrs. Larson is like 56 years old and everybody knows how her husband-soon to be ex- had an affair with Mrs. Hanson. Mrs. Hanson is 30 years old and she is the owner of our town's bridal shop. She just divorced her third husband and she's like the town whore, so no one was surprised when the news was leaked.

I took my seat in the back, next to Jacob Simmons. Jacob is a friend of Nate's, but he's really smart so he's in the same grade as me. He's really cute, he has brown shaggy hair, that he uses to cover his face, grey eyes and a cute small nose. He's shy and quiet, total opposite of Nate, and he gets nervous easily. He will never stay at my house if Tee is there because he's afraid she'll beat him up for accidentally doing something she thinks is wrong. When we were younger, he never slept over because he was too nervous to be around Nichole and me.

"Hey Jake." I say as I sit at my desk

"Hi." He replies quietly.

We sit there and wait for Mrs. Larson to shut up. Maybe she'll make us read something¸ but I doubt it so I take my iPod out of my bag and listen to Toxic Valentine by All Time Low.

Class is finally over, I bid Jacob farewell, and walk to art. I have art with Carter; we just sit throughout the period and talk. I prefer to work on my art pieces at home; my creativity doesn't flow right at school.

When I get to class Carter is already sitting at our table. "Hey Lover!" I say as I take my seat next to him. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Hey Boogie Bear! How was English?"

"Ugh, same shit as every day. Woman needs a life."

"Well that new kid is in homeroom with me. All the girls were surrounding him, flirting up a storm and shit, and he just told them to get lost; even Anika(Carter's ex) was all over him it was disgusting."

"Sounds like it. Anika's a whore. Are you jealous Carter?" I tease him and poked him in his side.

He scoffed. "Please, girls are all over me 24/7 its good to have space."

I roll my eyes. Girls all over Carter 24/7? That's news to me. I mean Carters good looking but come on I think someone's exaggerating.

"So Tee got detention already. Lauren was saying some shit about you this morning while Tee was walking to her locker and Tee almost broke her nose again."

What the fuck? Why is Lauren talking about me? "What kind of shit was she talking?"

"It was about this morning. When the new guy passed us and winked at you, she was calling you a whore for already hooking up with the new kid." He answered sounding a little tense.

"Hooking up with the new kid? Is this girl off her med's? I don't even know him, I've never even spoken one word to the guy. Doesn't she have anything better to do than talk shit about something that doesn't concern her. Like why would the kid be interested in Malibu Barbie? Fake tan, fake hair, fake boobs, and a hideous plastic face."

"She's a pathetic jealous cow. No one even listens to her, forget 'bout it plus, Tee already took care of it."

"Yeah, gotta love that violent girl."

"Ha ha yeah."

The rest of the day was uneventful. I never saw the new kid after this morning, but everywhere I turned someone was talking about him. After Tee got out of detention Carter drove us home, Nate had gone to a friend's house.

I said goodbye to my friends and into my house. "Hey, I'm home!"

"Hey there, sweet cheeks!"

"Nichole! Your back!" I ran to hug my sister.

"What's new?"

"Nothing, except for the fact that my sister actually came home."

" Ha, Ha, I haven't been gone that long."

"It's been like five months, I missed you. What has kept you away for so long this time?"

"I missed you too. But things have kept me busy."

"What kind of things." I raise my eyebrow.

"Okay so there's this guy-"

"There always is." I interrupt.

Nichole rolls her eyes before she continues, "Anyway, his name is Daniel. Bellie, he is so sweet and funny and he is just gorgeous, got the whole bad boy thing going on, not normally my type but he is too amazing for words."

"How long have you guys been dating?"

"Almost four months. Four amazing months, I really want you to meet him, you have to promise you'll come to my college and meet him."

"I promise that I will take time off my hectic schedule to meet hottie bad boy." I swear as I raise my right hand jokingly. Nichole laughs and pulls me in for another hug. I really missed my sister.

"So how long are you staying?"

"Till Sunday afternoon." She answers.

"But that's only three days." I pout.

"Sorry Bellie but I need to get back to school."

I just continue pouting like a two year old.

"Anyway, what about you? Any new guys in your hectic life?"

"Nope, but there's this new kid at my school, I haven't talked to him though. He's got the whole bad boy thing going on too. "

"What do you mean you haven't talked to him?! Why the hell not?"

"He just got here today. Why would I talk to him anyway? I don't know him, and frankly I don't want to know him."

"Why what's wrong with him? Is he ugly?"

I roll my eyes, "No, he's definitely not ugly. He looks like a man whore and I don't want to deal with his big ego."

"You don't even know him, how would you know if he has a big ego."

"He just looks like he does and he has an arrogant smirk."

"Ever heard of 'don't judge a book by its cover'? You're being judgemental and unfair. He could be a really nice guy."

"It's not like he even talked to me anyway so what does it matter? We have no classes together and I barely see him." I try took prove my point to this thickheaded girl.

"Whatever, but if he does talk to you, give him a chance or you might miss out on something special."


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