Chapter 1

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"Huff, huff, huff." She ran, faster than she ever had before. "Huff, huff, huff." She had to get away, they would come for her, they all knew, everyone, they all knew. So close! So close! She was almost to the border, there they couldn't reach her, there she would be safe. "Huff, huff, huff." She was so close! Ten more feet, five, three, and then she screamed. A bright flash momentarily blinded her and a pounding throb started at the base of her thigh. She stumbled and fell. Almost there. Pulling herself up she crossed the border with one final leap, and collapsed on the other side. All she saw was the wolves creeping up on her before the world went black.

She woke up with a start, and then flinched back in pain as the throb in her thigh came back. Easing herself back to the ground, she closed her eyes and breathed in and out. You're ok. You made it, you will not give up now. Just find him and you'll be ok. As she opened back up her eyes, two unnatural green ones stared back at her.

She sighed with relief as the tawny gray wolf above her morphed into her best friend, Erin. "I found you." she said "That was easier than expected." He quirked a worried smile. "Are you ok?" She didn't know. Am I? My whole world just changed, I am a runaway, an outcast, a traitor... "I don't know. My thigh hurts really bad, and they all know..." Her voice trailed off. "Don't move." he said. Shoot, I wanted to go run a marathon. She thought sarcastically. All she could hear was a rustling as he positioned himself around her, and then a sharp gasp. "That didn't sound good, what's going on over there?" Erin hesitated before responding. "It isn't as bad as it could have been, the bullet missed your bone, but shot straight through your muscle." She frowned. "It'll heal." But it would have been better if I hadn't got shot at all. I shouldn't have hesitated. "You should have used your spark." he said, reading her thoughts.

"I know, but I thought that maybe there was a chance-" "Thea," he said, cutting her off, "you could have died." "Yeah, but I didn't." Erin let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever, we have to stop Scarlet, and if that means dethroning her, then so be it. Let's just hurry up and find this supposed-to-be-dead princess." Oh, right, I forgot about that. We're supposed to save the world before Scarlet has all of the Fires killed, or forced to work in her army. "Alright," said Thea, "Let's go save the world."

All Credits go to Lauren :) Love you Lo:):)

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