Chapter Three

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Something was wrong. Erin shifted in his sleep, suddenly uncomfortable. Opening his eyes, he peered over to where Thea slept, or at least should have been sleeping. He jumped up. She was gone, no, it couldn't be true, gone? The only friend he'd ever had, gone? She was just there! I just saw her, where could she have gone, is she in trouble? Scrabbling around frantically he looked to the crook in the stump where each of them had promised to leave a note if they ever left, so the other wouldn't be worried. There was no note.

Now that his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could clearly see her sleeping bag, thrown in a bush, and multiple footsteps. She was in trouble. She was taken by force. And he had a guess who had done it. Scarlet has been kidnapping Fires, but never has she done it across the border. This is not her territory. He couldn't believe he was naive enough to think that. Think. Think! She needs your help, she... And there, in the dirt was a messag. Something only he and Thea could read, since they had come up with the code. 'Y^0(I-' or 'Run'.

So he ran. He didn't think twice about it. Erin was not a coward, but he did trust Thea's judgement. Plus, he wouldn't be any help to her dead. Trees whipped past him and his vision was slowly lowered as he morphed. His senses sharper, his pace faster, and his teeth longer. Now, if Scarlet's guards came looking for him, all they would see is a tawny gray wolf with bright green eyes, disappearing into the woods.

Sorry this is so short, I hope you are still enjoying though!

All Credits go to Lauren :) Love you Lo:):)

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