Chapter 8

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Everything was on fire, and Thea was in the middle of it. She was truly scared of her spark for the first time, it was getting stronger. This time, she hadn't even been able to control it. Keep your spark in check, before it swallows you whole. Her parents often told her this... and she hadn't listened. Now her father was dead. After that incident she had promised herself that she would never use her spark again.

I should have practiced more, I should have learned how to control it, if I had these soldiers wouldn't be dead. She couldn't even cry, the tears just burned up as soon as they hit her cheek. What had she done? Now all she could do was watch her enemies being burnt slowly to the ground until they were no more than a pile of ashes.

But through all of this, there was something nagging on the back of her mind, she couldn't quite place it. What is it? Erin? The princess? Scarlet? Kaito-

"Kaito!" She screamed suddenly. Whipping her vision back and forth, Thea scanned the room for him, but it was no use. Everything, and everyone was now ashes.

Thea felt as if a bullet had just shot straight through her heart. Then the fire was sucked inside her, and it all disappeared. She crumbled to the ground, sobs racking her body. I promised I would never hurt someone I cared about again, and after he saved my life... he's gone. He's really gone.

The ground shook beneath her, and part of the ceiling collapsed. Letting out a shout in surprise, Thea leapt up, putting her grief aside, she got into battle mode. This building isn't stable, and even if it was, I wouldn't want I be in it. Scarlet is probably furious, and I can't go through that again. I'm not even sure if I could control it if I tried. So, how am I going to get out of here?

Running out into the dungeon hallway, Thea couldn't bare to look back at the destruction ahe had caused, so she didn't, she just ran. Everything was a blur, she wasn't sure where she was going, wasn't sure if she could handle her pain, but at some point she got her senses back and realized that she had no idea where she was.

"Oh Thea, look at what you've gotten yourself into now." Shaking for exhaustion, she made sense of the things around her. At least she was past the border, there was trees all around her, and the muddy ground squelched underneath her feet. Scaling one of the larger trees, Thea lie above the ground and stared up at the oncoming stars. That night, she cried herself to sleep, and when dreams came they were of all of those she had murdered, telling her she wasn't brave enough to save the world. They were probably right, she wasn't brave, she wasn't strong. She was a killer, one that could barely control her own spark, one that could destroy the world.

All Credits Go to Lo. Love you Lo! :)

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