Chapter 12

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 Pinna had watched the whole thing. She had followed Erin into the woods, thinking he would need her support when he told Thea. Turns out he didn't need her at all. Turns out nothing she did mattered. She had carried his beloved Thea halfway across the world in order to get her to a hospital, and hadn't complained once, even though every day the burn on her face became worse and worse until she couldn't see out of her right eye.

And this was how he paid her? Pinna thought they had grown closer, he had told he about all of his adventures to find her. Didn't that mean he cared about her? Apparently not. Erin had even said, "The only reason I put up with her is because she is my princess." I am more than just a pretty face! I am a person, and I have feelings too. And just when I thought I was starting to belong here... well guess what Erin? I don't need you and I never did! You'll be sorry you decided to mess with me! I'm going to go work for Scarlet, what do you think about that? Then your Fires won't stand a chance. Unless... no, she wouldn't do that. She needs this protection. Coward!

Pinna took one last look at them, kissing in the dark, and then ran off in the other direction, towards Scarlet's palace. Though she despised herself for it, tears streamed down her face as she ran. This hut worse than anything she had felt before. Sobs racked her body and she lost all strength. Pinna's body crumpled to the ground. She lay there for the rest of the night, finally crying herself to sleep.

She awoke with everything in a haze. This didn't feel real. Looking around she realized she was just past the border. Pushing herself up off the ground, Pinna got going. Not to far away from the castle someone spotted her. Making large gestures, they got more guards to back them up, and approached Pinna. "Captain Pinna, you are under arrest for treason against the queen. This is punishable by death. Come with us now and beg mercy from your queen." She hardly even heard them, and was dimly aware that they were dragging her off to the throne room.

"Pinna." That voice snapped her out of it, and suddenly she had the will to survive, whatever it took. Scarlet was staring down at her when she had the vision. A pounding headache worked it's way up her skull and stars danced before her eyes. She was there, in the dungeons. Someone was coming down with an axe in their hands. She couldn't make out the face, only two bright blue eyes that seemed to shoot right through her. The masked figure was here to kill her.

The queen was staring down at her in disgust when she came to. "They were right. You are a Fire, and not just, but also their princess. How great for me, and unfortunate for you!" Scarlet's voice brought back so many unwanted memories. Shaking her head Pinna said, "You can't kill me here." "Oh?" questioned Scarlet. "No one will believe you, they will keep looking for the princess, and eventually they will find one, find her. I do have a sister. Now you of all people should know." The look on the queen's face was one of utter rage that showed Pinna her subjects didn't know their secret. "Take her to the tower, lock her away and station extra guards around it. I don't want to see her again, and I certainly don't want her to escape... again." All of the guards knew better than to argue when their queen was like this, but perhaps one of them just had a will to die because he stepped forwards and said, "But your Majesty, you already have a prisoner in the tower, and he is in critical condition. We can't have any-" He cut himself off their, finally noticing the look on Scarlet's face. "Do I LOOK like I CARE? NO! I DON'T!"

"Y-y-y-yes you grace." Giving her a quick bow he rushed forward and grabbed Pinna.

"You can't hide from me forever mother!" Pinna called back as the guards led her away. It seemed like time itself paused. Everyone in the room looked to Scarlet whom was trying very hard to seem as if she hadn't noticed their prying eyes. "Don't call me that! You didn't even bother trying to save your father when you knew what was going to happen. All you did was watch as your sister murdered him. You have ruined any peace there once was between us! I am not your mother, and you are not a princess here. Take her away!"

The guards paused, looking from Pinna back to the queen. Though her mother's words stung, they were not true. She did know her father would be killed, but didn't know it would be done by her own sister. And Pinna was a princess here, and someday she would bring the Rocks and Fires together, she would rule fair and just. Or at least that was the back-up plan. Her sister is the true heir to the throne, thus she was older, but Pinna didn't want to think about her right now. She would have prefered it if her sister had never been born.

Buried too deep into her own thoughts, Pinna just now noticed that she was being led to a secluded part of the castle, a tall tower with ivy winding it's way up. It had bricks falling out in places, and from what she could see, there was no entrance. Almost nervously, one of the guards stepped forward and spoke, "Forgive me princess." Then with the hilt of his sword he sent Pinna into darkness.

Pinna almost decided not to wake up, that would have been so much easier, but the world needed her, so she must learn to be strong. Moaning softly, her eyes opened. She was in a room at the top of the tower, and there was only one other person here with her. He was lying on a hospital bed with tubes coming out of him. Pinna walked over to him. One word came to her mind, Kaito. "Hello Kaito." She whispered softly. Her fingers didn't even brush his hand when his eyes snapped open. Pinna froze, these were the eyes of her killer. 

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