Chapter 10

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The plan was to enter the dungeons through the sewers, once there, Erin would morph into full wolf and silently take down each guard, one by one. Pinna would be there to warn him when someone was coming, or, in worse case scenario, when someone was going to attach. There was the entrance to the sewer, just a few feet in front of him, soon he would run with Pinna from their hiding place, and they would be on their way to save Thea.

With a quick swipe of his fingers, Erin gave his princess the sign, now! Just as he was about to dart out of the underbrush, Pinna yelled his name and shoved him to the side. What was that all about? Did she forget the sign. Gee wiz, I literally just told her about it. What's wrong now? I was just about to- Erin's thought were stopped mid-stream. Thea was standing right where he had just lay, but she was on fire.

No, not on fire, she was fire. Her usually brown, wavy hair was sunset orange and her clothes were a fiery red that seemed to shift with each of her movements. Thea's skin was bright yellow and her eyes seemed to consume everything around her, they were an eerie, light blue color. Overall, she was beautiful. All Erin could do was stare, she was hypnotising.

Again, Pinna's voice broke the silence, "Erin, I know what it looks like, but that's not Thea, it's Scarlet. Scarlet is in her mind and in her every thought, she has hold of Thea. Erin, Thea is here to kill you. Aren't you listening? She is here to KILL YOU! ERIN!" Once more Pinna leapt between Erin and Thea, but this time it cost her.

That snapped Erin out of his daze, and he quickly assessed the situation. Pinna was on the ground, not moving, and she had a large burn mark streaked across her face. Thea was now moving towards him steadily with a murderous look in her eyes that frightened him, she had never looked at him like that before.

He ran over to Pinna and crouched over her, she was breathing, but it was becoming shallow, one more burn from Thea and she wouldn't make it. Positioning himself between Thea and Pinna, Erin took a defencive crouch and bared his pointed teeth. He knew that he couldn't touch Thea, and the same for wood so...

There was a large rusted metal plate near the sewer entrance, as he lunged for it he remembered that not just a few minutes ago was he going to rescue his friend, now his enemy. He knew he could never hit Thea, but at least he had some sort of a shield.

Turning, Thea smiled at him, and then spoke in a voice that was nothing like her own, it was Scarlet's "Oh, my dear boy, do you really think you can beat her? Beat me? No, you cannot. You are nothing to her! Now, you have a choice. Either I can peacefully take you and the princess, or I can take you with force. Well, what will it be?"

Although Erin knew he would not win this fight, it was not in him to give up. If he was going to die, he was going to die for his princess. Replying in a angry but desperate voice he said, "Never." Frowning in mock disapproval Thea replied, "Well, I am honestly disappointed in you Erin. Guess you weren't smart enough to realize that I am standing between you and your precious princess." Erin's eyes widened as he watched Thea leap towards Pinna, lying unconscious, with her hands outstretched.

Without thinking, he whirled around and threw the metal plate at Thea as hard as he could. It found it's mark, and with a solid thump against her head, Thea crumbled to the ground.

All Credits Go to Lo. Love you Lo! :)

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