Chapter 7

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Erin had been watching the girl for awhile. She wasn't impressive, perhaps a bit pathetic, considering who she was. Or at least, who he thought she might be. This could change everything. She could be the solution to all of his problems, she could help him save, it was hard to ever think her name, Thea. She could help him save Thea. And it was this thought that pushed him faster and faster, chasing her into the darkness of night.

The girl was crouched over a river, some ways past her campsite, and was crying. That was almost enough to make Erin reveal himself and ask her what was bothering her, but something made him hold back. If he approached her now she would be scared, and most likely resist him. Infact, she would probably fight him. So he waited, and promised himself he wouldn't fall asleep. This is for Thea. This is for Thea.
A few hours later, Erin awoke with his hands tied behind his back. Not wanting to give away that he was awake, Erin slowly peeped his eyes open, all the while scolding himself. Stupid! Stupid! How could you have fallen asleep? She was your one chance to save her, and now she's-

The girl was right there, sitting in front of him. If it was she who had tied his ropes, then clearly she wasn't talented at it. Keeping his hands behind his back, Erin wiggled his wrists loose of the rope's hold. He could attack now, and have the element of surprise, or he could talk to her and let her know he was no threat. Hmmmm... He attacked.

"Ahhhh!" The moment before he attacked the girl raised up her hands and dove out of the way. Strange, he hadn't even moved yet. How could she have known it was coming? Well, she knew he was awake, and was now watching him with a sharp suspicion in her eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you." That was always a good way to start off. She rolled her eyes, and gave him an incredulous look, as if he thought she must be the dumbest person in the world. "Yes, you are. I know you are. I saw it." Well, that was confusing. Ok, so she is clearly a Fire. She saw it... what could that mean? Battle reflexes? No. Mind reading? No, she would know that I mean her no harm. So... oh! I can't believe I didn't see it before. Wow, I really am an idiot. If she is who I think she is, then she should be able to...

"You can see the future." Her eyes widened in surprise. "How, how did you know that?" Clearly she had just found out herself, otherwise she would have protected her secret more. This girl was no regular Fire. There was something different about her, starting with- "Your uniform. You're captain of the guard, and not just any guard, Scarlet's guard." Now Erin's reflexes were on high alert. He should have known. They probably had him surrounded. Barring his wolf-like teeth, Erin crouched to the ground.

She saw what was going to happen. Throwing dirt in his eyes, she ran, and the chase was on. Morphing, Ein chased her through the woods, it was very frustrating. She knew when he was about to pounce, she knew when he was about to cut her off. But I'm faster. She has less stamina. Soon she will slow down, and then I'll have her.

Erin was right. It wasn't long before he was on top of her, pinning her to the ground. Suking in air despretally, she breathed, "What do you want with me? To kill me? To turn me into Scarlet? Are you one of her Fire spies? Whatever you do, don't take me back to her, kill me instead." This made him pause. Don't take her back to Scarlet? Fire spies?

Then things started to fall together. "How old are you?" If she was confused by his question, she didn't show it. "I'm sixteen now. My birthday was last night." Two years younger then him and she was already the captain of the guard. It all made sense now.

Scarlet wanted to keep her close so one day she would have easy access to her, so she could kill her. Everyone knows that you can't kill a Fire that can see the future before they're sixteen, if you do you'll be cursed forever. "What's your name?" "Pinna." Erin smiled, yes, this was exactly who he had been looking for. Pinna could save Thea. Pulling himself off her, her put himself in a deep bow and said, "Princess Pinna, we meet at last."

All Credits go to Lo. Love you Lo!:)

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