Chapter 13

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! Btw, this is a flashback, just so you don't get confused. :)

It was arranged before they were even born, and it was never an option to Scarlet. This was just how is was. She would someday marry the Fire prince and they would form peace between the two kingdoms. They had met several times during their childhood, and she liked him fine. He was a good friend, and was always kind to her, but it wasn't until they were grown up that she started to like him more than that.

Today was the set date when she would meet up with him at the throne room before the ball. Her mother had brushed her hair and put it up into a braided bun, Scarlet had personally picked out her outfit. She didn't know why, but she was sort of excited for today, it felt unlike the other visits. Her dress was sleeveless and was slim at the top, but near her waist it poofed out in beautiful, dark emerald green waves.

The moment he walked in, she knew something between them had changed. He looked at her like he saw her more than just a friend, like she was more than just a little girl. Smiling up at him she said, "Prince Brayden, how lovely it is to see you again. I hope you will enjoy your stay at the palace, and that everything accommodates your needs." Giving her a bow he said, "Princess Scarlet, might I take you for a walk through the gardens?" With Scarlet's slight nod, he took her hand and led her out of the throne room. As she walked away, with her hand in his she thought, Maybe I'll get more than just a friendship in this marriage. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get love too.

Three years later, the Queen and King's first child was born. Everyone was happy, for peace had finally come to the kingdoms. Fires and Rocks worked together and had two wonderful rulers, Queen Scarlet and King Brayden. Scarlet had found love at last, and now a new princess was born. She was a fierce little thing, and would make a great queen one day. The doctors had diagnosed her as a Fire, but no powers had showed up yet. Scarlet thought this had something to with the fact that she was a Rock, and this didn't bother her, nor did it bother Brayden.

The princess was two years old when her sister, Pinna, was born. Pinna was nothing like her sister, though they were both Fires. The first born was brave and extremely clever. She loved life and planned to live it to the full extent. Pinna was quiet and shy, she was wicked smart and spent most of the time with her nose buried in a book. Scarlet's second daughter wasn't strong, and couldn't fight very well, but Scarlet loved her just as much as her first daughter. They were happy and Scarlet's life took a turn for the good.

When the eldest child was nine years old, something started to happen. It seemed as if her daughter was turning into a true Fire. When the child got mad, things started to be set to flame, and one day things went too far.

Brayden was going to take the princess for a walk out in the woods and talk to her about how to control her powers. He had the ability to freeze anything, her powers were polar opposite. "Darling," he said softly "you need to learn how to control your powers. They are beautiful but powerful, and they have to ability to destroy all of those you hold close." She lifted her head to peer at him curiously. "Will you teach me?" She asked. Her father smiled, "Why else would we be here? Alright, focus all of your energy onto that tree, I want you to only hit it's top branch." With a furrowed brow, she reached out her hands and sent a burst of energy directed towards the tree, trying with all her might just to land it on that one branch. The whole tree caught on fire.

Sighing she told her dad, "I think this might take awhile." And it did, they spent week after week training but didn't get very far when happened in the woods that changed the everything. Something that broke the peace.

SNAP! Brayden's head whipped around, searching for the source of the sound. His fingertips were tingling, his power wanted to be let loose, but he held back. "Sweetheart, you need to go ok?" His kind eyes met his daughter's. "I will hold them off as long as I can, but they will still come for you. You need to put as much distance between them as you can." Bewildered, his young child stared back. "Who daddy? What is happening?"

"You will know someday, but for now I need you to go back to your sister and mother. Can you do that for me?" Nodding, she ran off towards the castle. Bayden turned to face his attackers.

All Credits go to Lo. Love you Lo!! :)

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