The begning of my new ending

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"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." — Maria Robinson
I've learnt this the hard way. I've watched my parents die before my eyes. Whilst it happened I stood there and did nothing, something I've regretted since. I still wish I could go back and chance the past, but that is impossible. It also seems impossible to be happy without my farther and mother...but I live in Gotham, the city where the
impossible seems possible.

Whether you see life as a comedy, a drama, a dream, or an an adventure, use whatever works for you.
My life I now seen as an adventure. Selena Kyle has brought that adventure into my life. And starting today I'm am going to make a new ending for myself. One in which I will be happy even with my beloved parents dead. One in which I will have solved the mystery of there death. One in which I run the Wayne company the way my farther wanted. One in which I will be a farther of my own child, a child I will raise like my farther raised me.

One in which Selina Kyle will be with me and I with her.

Hi. This is my first ever fan fiction, so I might be a bit rough around the edges. I hope you like it I was inspired to write a fan fiction by melodyXriddle her fan fiction on Oswald is amazing. I only hope to be as good as hers. Please feel free to comment if I get anything wrong.

I know this is a short chapter but that's because it's an opening.

The start of my new endingWhere stories live. Discover now