Chapter fourteen

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Selina's POV
"Yo jack ass!" I call out to my torturer, blood spilling out of my mouth.
He's a pale bold man. He's pale features emphasised by the black clothes he wears. I have seen him before, working for Falcone but I can't put my finger on his name, if I ever knew it that is.

"Oh she still talking is she. What was it penguin said. " the terrifying man sharpens two knifes against each other. " oh yes...make sure that little piece of gutter shit never speaks again"
I was accepting him to laugh, an evil laugh but he doesn't. Not even an evil smirk.

He walks over to me, two big blades in his hands. His two female companions bring over the metal table on wheels again now filed with clean deadly instruments.

I need to reason with these psychopaths.

"What do you get out of this!" I cry out still feeling the pain of the previous tortures I have received.
To my disappointment I get no reply. The bald devil turns his back to me and leans over the table, blocking my few of what instrument he is going to use next on me.
I need to take a new route.

These three look easily to sneak past especially not that the muscle,butch, has gone, I just need to get out of these chains.
Fish was wrong about butch always saying she misses him and knows he must be missing her, looking for her trying to find a way to help her. He's doing the opposite...helping the enemy.

"Okay let begin shall we?"ask the bold man.
Begin ... what was all that I just went though?
He turns around a big blade in his hand. He sets it on a small table by a dentist chair thingy.
Next the bald bloke goes back to the table of torture toys and picks up a small needle and some thread, sets it in the table next to the bed.

"Girls."his hand gestures for his back up ladies to come over to me. They do so.
Once they reach me I hiss at them and spit but the tallest one just punches me in the gut, taking my breath away.

They bend down and start to unlock the chains around my ankles.

If I play this right I could escape.

I wait.

It's only a few seconds but it felt like hours.
As soon as they stand up after unlocking the chains around my ankles, I use all the energy I have left in my aching body to swing my legs and kick at both of them.

Yes! I get one in the gut but the taller one in the knee. However it was a forceful kick and she collapses aswell. I see the keys fly up in the air. Crap how did I forget about that.

"You little bitch!"calls out the one I got in the gut.

Baldy looks up From whatever he was doing and looks over at the scene. I see something this time. Not so obvious but at least it means he has some humanity in him. I see quick flash of shock flash over his face and linger in his eyes.
"I like her. Maybe penguin will let me keep her after the operation."he says.
What the hell does that mean??!!

"Now get up you two."he orders to his wing women.
The climb their way back up and stand. I can see the pain in both of their eyes even though the try hard to hide it. It gives me something. I didn't go down without a fight.

They continue the process of unlocking me.

One chain falls off and I'm left hanging by one hand when butch comes back.

"Victor. The boss wants you. Something about a big job. Needs his best."he barks.

"And that's why he told you to come and get me" says the bald man that now has a name ,victor."Chain her back up"

The two polished looking girls chain me back up. The tall one even get a little punch in again before they leave with Victor and some other people dressed in black with multiple different weapons.
Butch stays.
He walks over, my heart races.
I notice as he get closer that his meaty head is is twitching and he's eyes are bloodshot.
He stops a few feet in front of me and pulls something out of his pocket. I hear the noises of keys. Is he gonna help me escape.
He's bulky hand places the keys on the equipment table.

He comes even closer to me.
Butch's head twitches and he rubs his temple.

"Don't tell!"he snaps"she ...she always said she liked you. This is for her not you"
He takes lowers his arm from his temple and I see a scar where his finger were before he turns and walks away. The scar looked like the letter V. ...anything to do with Victor?

I take in what happens as he leaves through the door he came in. Wouldn't there be cameras down here, obviously there would be .. unless penguin wants no proof of what happens. And how is putting the keys out of my reach gonna help me. Even though if I had them I couldn't unlock myself.

Maybe it's all a tease.

Suddenly I hear someone coming.
I listen carefully to the footsteps, to light to be butch's, not penguins as I can't hear the cane, not either one of the girls , they were wearing heels.

I listen even more careful. Then it comes to me. I know who's footsteps they are. But it couldn't be, could it.
Well I don't want it to be I can get out of here my self.

I hear a faint whisper.
It is him.
I don't need that backstabber to rescue me.
"Selina...oh there you are" he's footsteps get quicker and soon I'm greeted with the now,again, perfect face of Bruce Wayne.

I stare into his eyes putting a cold and heartless stare on.
"I'm here to get you out."he says a small smile on his lips.
I twist my head away from him, causing pain to shoot into my neck and head"
"Come on let me help you!"
"Don't need your help!"I snarl.
"Selina." He says annoyed. How dare he be annoyed with me after all of this!
"Get the keys there on the table over there!"I won't admit it but I could use his help.

Bruce unlocks me. When the last chain comes of around my wrist he wraps his arms around my waist and catches me.
Once my feet hit the floor I push him away but to my disappointment my legs give way and I collapse. Pain shoots through me and I let out a small cry.
He picks me up again and holds me again.
His fingers brush under my tattered bloody shirt. I feel my skin heat up under his touch, I force myself to ignore this feeling.

"Just get me outta here!" I say with bored tone. Even though I tried not to let pain go into my voice it does and his grip on me just gets tighter.

Bruce leads me away from my torture room. We don't go out the door Butch used but we slide down a little black hallway, only just big enough for the both of us to fit in side by side.

He leads me down here. I stumble and fall multiple times. He catches me holds me close. I try not to feel anything but anger towards him but deep down there's something else I refuse to name.

I can tell Bruce is enjoying this being my hero saving me not the other way round this time.

Soon after more falls and a few troublesome stair cases we reach a little crawl space that Bruce indicates to.
He lowers me to the floor and wiggle through it on my stomach. I scream out in agony.
"Shhhs Selina. They could here you from here." Bruce says.
"Like I care. "I snap at him. I bite into the insides of my checks and carry on.

Soon I'm greeted by the blinding light of the sun setting over Gotham.

A/N: hey guys. Didn't go through and spell check this etc. Sorry if it's bad chapter. I feel I didn't portray Selina right. I don't know It's just i want to get over that she hiding feelings from him even to herself and try and keep the snarky Selina we all know and love.

Question : how do you think Bruce got to her?

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