Chapter seven

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When we get back 'home' I try to get Selina to talk to me but she doesn't. She just goes over to the metal table and opens it up.

I walk up behind her curious to find out what's inside it but once I'm almost able to see over her shoulder she slams it shut and turns around to look at me.
"MY EYES ONLY" she snaps, before wandering over to a cardboard box I didn't see before.

I have decided to leave her alone. I'll let her calm down then we can go back to being friends...

I sit down on my pillows and start playing at the loss threads on the blanket. This makes me want to talk even more. So I get up and start pacing around the room.

I can't stay still for some reason. I just want to talk and I don't know why I want to do this but I do. Normally after flashbacks all I want to do is curl up and cry, but for some reason being out here on the streets and observing Selina makes me want to be brave and suck it up but it also makes me want to finally open up.

The open up bit is probably not because I'm on the streets, most likely because of Selina. She lost her parents. I don't know how exactly but she has, And I want to help.
Does she want to help me?
Of course she does. She has let me live with her.
But what if she only using me for something?
If she was only using me she wouldn't have dragged me out of gun fire at the risk of her own life.
But what if it's very important?

I snapped out of my thoughts.
"BRUCE " Selina shouts. "Stop pacing around. Your driving me mad."
"Oh..sorry"I say looking towards her"
"What's that look for?" She ask moving towards the mattress"
"What look?"
"You look like...well I don't know but it a cross between a look saying you want to kill me to a look saying hey bestie..."
"Sorry" I force a smile onto my face. Selina just laughs.
"You got to work on your fake smile kid."
It's so annoying that she can see through me. Alfred, he's easier to trick.

"Sorry."I say again.
"Stop saying sorry all the time."Selina purrs. Selina then looks of into the distance but quickly comes back. "If anyone has to say sorry it's me. "
"Selina you don't have to say sorry. You saved me, putting your own life at risk. Shout at me all you want." I don't know why I said that. I don't want her to shout at me.
"Eh. Let's just forget it shall we. "
"But I still want to know why you just stood there like a pansy."
Crap. Wait didn't I want this? I wanted to talk to her. Tell her what happened with me. But now I don't...or do I?

My thoughts and feelings are so mixed up I don't know what to I want anymore.

Selina pats the mattress next to her indicating I should sit down, so I go over and perch on the edge of the mattress not to close to Selina because for some reason I don't feel as if I can trust her, however I know I can.

"What's the matter Bruce?"she asks her voice quiet and gently, reminding me so much of my mothers, which makes me want to spill everything to her.

"I don't know it's wired. The flash backs there more vivid than normal and more frequent I can't explain it but it's like I'm there all over again. Normally it's like I'm watching from birds eye view but it's been different ever since I left home."
"You still get those?"
"Yeah. Everyone said it would get better the nightmares would stop the flashbacks wouldn't happen anymore, but it's only getting worse."

I wait for her to say something, but she Doesn't so I continue.

"It's like reliving it and each time it's worse. I can feel there pain. And my anger towards that man keeps getting stronger and stronger."

I don't say anything about my thoughts towards her and them changing very second.

I finally take a deep breath and when I do Selina's arms wrap around me and pulls me into a tight hug. I smell her. She smells of cats. This takes me back to earlier today when everything was going right.
My hands un-clench form a fist. I wrap them around her and a smile forms on my face.

This moment is perfect. If I could stop time I would stop it here. But I can't so I just hug her till she pulls away.

A/N: almost got 100 reads. Thanks for reading. Hope you like this chapter.
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