Chapter eleven

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We reach a big mansion type house. It's not like mine where it has a gate that opens up onto a garden with along drive to the house.
It's a house on the street, like any other normal house.
The only difference is the size and the fields of green surrounding both sides of the house stretching of into the distance behind. 

The steps that lead up to the large oak doors are marble and clean. So shiny and clean that I can almost make out my refraction on it.
I look over at Selina's reflection. Slightly disoriented and faded but still pretty to look at.

All of a sudden something snaps inside of me.
Bruce a voice inside my head echoes.
Bruce it hisses again. A blood thirsty sound.
Don't think like that. She's only using you. Think of all the secrets she keeps when your an open book. Don't trussstt her.
With every word it gets louder and hungrier.
Don't trust her
She's a liar
"Bruce!" A soft voice shouts.
I open my eyes and my face is inches away from the marble floor. My hands are covering my ears and I'm still screaming "STOP!" even though the voices are gone.

A hand touches me shoulder, I jerk away and hiss like the voice did.

I don't know how long I stay like this but I don't think it was that long.

Soon my voice gets rough and I stop screaming but don't move from my curled up position until something jabs me in the rib.
Not to hard but hard enough for it to hurt and I go back to normal Bruce again.
The pain from the burn on my back prominent and the new pain from the jab to my ribs. 

I turn my head slightly and see the end of an umbrella hovering near me. I lower my hands from my ears and feel the sudden urge to whack at the umbrella tip but if I'm right about who it belongs to that's probably not the smartest move on my behave. 

I move left slight away from the umbrella and owner but I am greeted by some pointy smart black shoes and can't move no further. Surrounded with no escape. So this is what it feels like to be a bird in a cage.

I put my hands on the cold marble surface and push myself up.  Once standing I still keep my head down and busy myself with brushing of dust, even though my hands just get even more dirty from the products of the sewer still clingy onto me clothes.

"What's wrong with him?" Askes a familiar voice. One I have only heard a few times, but still a few times to many.
"Who is he miss Kyle?"
"I'll tell you, if you tell your goons to let me go" Selina's voice snaps back. What does she mean?

I pop my head up and prepare to turn it towards her, but don't because I'm greeted by who I suspected.
The black hair styled exactly the same as last time. The some what pale skin whiter than normal. And the evil grin formed by his lips.

It is indeed Mr.Cobblepot.

"Bruce Wayne. What a pleasant surprise."he says the words hanging of his tongue.
Like all the others on the street of this polished street he pinches his noise. He looks me up and down and then turns to Selina. "I guess this is your doing... street trash."
More questions whirl into my head.
Why is Mr.Cobblepot being mean to Selina?
Why is she snapping at him?
Is there some sort of mutual hatred between these two?
"Boss what should we do with him?"a low voice booms. "Shall I tell the boys to chain him up like the girl?"
"No...of course not. I wouldn't have it. Why would we treat young Bruce in such a way we would treat gutter trash. We shall over him a warm shower and some fresh clothes. Tell the maids to prepare it all for him...and as soon as possible"

Mr.Cobblepot turns on his feet and starts walking as he always does. Large men in fancy suits follow behind him. I see Selina in the arms of one franticly kicking at them and snapping hateful words in there direction.

She spits in the eye of one of the men, the mans head snaps towards her, spits back before stopping the goons and punching her in the gut.

I open my mouth to protest but Mr.Cobbletpots voice stops me, as if he had eyes in the back of his head.

"Hurry up Bruce. We don't want you catching a cold now." I can hear hatred in his voice.
How would I catch a cold it's one of the hottest days Gotham has ever had.
Oh... I realise that's what he means and his hatred isn't directed at me. It's because of my wet hair  and wet clothes and the hatred is directed at Selina cause for some reason he thinks I stink like what comes out the other your end because of her.

The girl who took me in, the girl who had helped put food in my mouth over these past days. The girl who saved my life. I should be thankful for her, stopping them from hurting her but I don't.

As they turn left I turn right and follow Mr.Cobblepot because the voices I heard have made me uneasy.  

I feel Selina's eyes bore into my sole. Even though I know that's impossible because she can't turn to look behind her.

So I wrote this chapter whilst Stuck on a muddy field after my horse ridding because my car broke down {😂} and didn't have time to go over to check for mistakes.

I felt like I didn't portray Oswald right or the way I wanted to.

Was Oswald portrayed correctly and if not how can I improve this/where did I go wrong?

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