Chapter four

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Selena and I have been waking for some time now. In and out of alley ways. Keeping to ourselves. I think to myself we're gonna be out it all night when Selena goes into a little convenient Store.

"You get the milk I'll get the bread and the fish " she orders. I nod and make my way to the milk.

I get a small carton of full fat milk and go wait by the till.
Selina comes over caring a basket of multiple things. She empties them out onto the till and the cashier begins to scan them.

There's a two tins of tuna, a loaf of white bread, and a tin opener.

"Lost my tin opener when I had to leave my old 'home'. " as she says home her finger form quotation marks.

The man tells us the price and Selena forks over the money.

We leave the store. As we do Selina stuffs everything into the stolen bad.
"Where to now Selina?" I ask.
"Just around the corner. Gum?" Selina reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pack of gum. She didn't pay for those. I look at the gum in her hand, my mouth falling open.
"Like he's gonna miss a pack of gum. Bruce lighten up. Just take the gum and be happy. " she takes a piece of gum and puts it in my hand.

Hey I'm a street kid now and I've got to learn to deal with this. Stealing is how I'm going to live. But we could have paid for a 49p pack of gum.

I put the gum in my mouth needing the taste of mint as it is one of my favourite tastes. But all I taste is guilt.


We turn down an alley way and Selina walks over to a big dumpster. She bends down onto her hands and knees, reaches under the dumpster and pulls something out.

She sets it in the floor. It's a small metal bowl. Selina pours the milk into the the bowl and starts calling.
"Here kitties. here my pretty kitties. "

I hear cat calls and then 3 cats jump down from the fire escape and start to drink the milk.

Once they've finished she opens one of the Tunas and puts it into the bowl.

She sits down on the floor next to them. One of them, a black and white cat, goes and sits on her lap. She stokes it.
I go an sit down next to Selina.
"So even though your scrape for money you feed these cats."I say.
" when I found them they were just like me. Abandoned and waiting for someone to love them." A sad smile forms on her face. For the short time I've known Selina I know she has never admitted that her mum left her. " so we love each other "

"Well now you and the cats have something else in common. My friendship." I want to say love but that I'm not sure about. I do feel like I love Selina ever since she kissed me I've felt something deeper than friendship. But I'm not sure if she does. I think she was just teasing me.

The cat on Selina lap comes over and runs itself against my arm. I stroke it.
"Hey I think onyx wants to be your friend to." Selina purrs. Onyx what a lovely name for such a lovely cat.

Selina opens the other tin of tuna and the bread. I take a slice. She scopes her hand into the tin and plops some onto my slice. And then some on here's.

It wasn't very hygienic she just been stoking a cat and putting her hands under dumpsters but it's this or nothing.
I fold the bread in half and bite into it, not really liking the taste of the cheap tuna.


A/N: hi. So I'm writing another fan fiction at the same time so if I don't post it's because I'm busy. I have school work and I'm taking a gcse soon so lots of studying.

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