Chapter thirteen

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A/N:The fan edit above gave me some inspiration for my next chapters.It was not made by me i found it on YouTube credits to who ever made it.

I reach the bottom of the large spiral stair case and look around. I don't know where the dinning room is here.

I here a door creak and then shut.It goes silent then i here heavy foot steps coming towards me .

Maybe its someone who can help me. or someone to come get me...not for dinner.

I don't know whether to run or stay put.My mind gets consumed by thoughts , different thoughts telling me to run, to wait to walk towards the oncoming person.

I end up just standing here thinking what to do until there is a broad man in front of me.

"Bruce Wayne..." the mans voice deep and loud.

"um... I'm just about to go to eat with mr. Cobblept, but I don't know where to go." I state, hoping my nervousness doesn't show. I finaly lift my head and look at the mans face.

Its the man who punched selina and now getting a closer look i know his name. Butch. I don't want to look him in the eye so I drift my attention to the sleeve of my shirt and roll it up.

"Do you think you could direct me in the correct way?"I ask.

"sure thing"he reply's "follow me" He stretches out his wide arm and I look at it pointing to the left of my down a long hallway. I start to walk but notice something on the sleeve of his suit. Red.Its blood.

My heart starts racing.What are they doing to you sleina?

I follow behind Butch. He soon stops infront of two large oak doors and pushes one open.

"always a pleasure seeing you."he says

"and to you" I say back. He bends down and his leans next to my ear.

"too bad that I can't spend more time with you. At least I have your girl friend for company we had a lovely conversation about a blue and gold patterned vase Oswald keeps in the library. But i'm sure you would know more about it than the both of us, coming from you background and stats." He whispers, his breath warm against my skin. it sends shivers down my spines.The words start replaying in my head as soon as Butch pulls away and walks down the hallway.

I try to push the words aside but fail. I walk into the dining room.

Its like any normaly first class dining room. Large oak table and matching chairs, gold chandiler haning above, the only thing that gives it a personal meaning to theman sat at the head of the table would possibly be the paiting of an older man above him. I dont know who it is but its like the painting of my farther and mother but, just one man who resembles some of
Mr.cobblpot features.

"Ah hello again Bruce. Take a seat dinner will be served shortly." Mr.cobblpot says his hand outstretched and long boney index finger pointing to an empty chair.

I go around the table and sit down, take my napkin un-fold it and place it neatly on my lap.

"I bet it feels nice."he say with a tiny laugh at the end and grin playing on his lips.
"What?"I ask, putting all the politeness I have left in my voice
"The luxury, the cleaness ,"another small laugh. It's not a giggle but it isn't like a full harty laugh it's somewhere in between.

Some maids came out carrying trays of food placing it all on the table. Loads of luxuries.
Indeed I do miss this.

"Master Bruce what shall I serve you?" Ask a short tubby one with greyish hair.
I look over all the delicacies.
"I'll have some of that tomato soup to start with please?" I ask.
"And to drink sir?"
"Just some fresh orange please"

She fills my glass and my bowl to the top and as soon as the Maids have left and Mr.cobblpot signals for me to start I dig in.

"So what do u owe the pleasure of your visit?"ask Mr.Cobblepot
"Well Mr.Cobblepot..."
"Call me Oswald"
"Oswald, we came for some information"
At the word 'we' he's face cringes.
"And what information is that?"he forces out.
"Today we had a visit from detective Gordon, and we would like to know why he wanted Selina so badly"
"Ah well dear Jim is a friend of mine. He always after something though isn't he. Chasing down the bad guys always doing the right thing. BUT! He does come to me for help you see and he came to me this morning I led him to miss Kyle."
After he shouted 'but' he had Sternness in his voice.
"So you know what he wanted?" I ask slightly afraid now.
"Yes, yes I do" he answers. The grin I can almost memorise by heart formed on his lips.

•please answer the question•
A/N: hi guys, Sorry it's taken a while again this chapter I finished it but then I re-started it and changed the direction I wanted to go in. I will try to update more often but the longer the chapter the longer it takes and I do have a very busy schedule at the moment.

Q- do you want me to do a chapter in Selina's POV again or any other characters?

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