Chapter ten

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I reach the edge and I....


My feet collide with bit of wall that goes all the way around the building and I start to topple. My hands stretch out, waving frantically trying to give me balance, But its no use because I fall.

I fall backwards and my head smacks the ground. Pain rushes down my spine.

"you okay?" I hear Selina call.

I force my self up ignoring the pain, like I have taught myself to do.

"fine just a little shaken, that's all." I reply touched she cares.

" try again!" she shouts "if you don't make it I'm leaving you."

I don't want Selina to leave me. I turn around and start walking to the middle of the roof.

I see a head pop up on the other side. Jim Gordan's head.

"Bruce come here . Don't do it Bruce." He hollers whilst trying to pull himself up. It wont take long for him to do it, So I turn on my feet and start running. Faster than I ever have and when I reach the edge again my right foot hits the edge and I spring my self towards the other roof. Towards Selina the girl with so many unanswered questions, the girl with the cat like features and the secret boxes.

What if i don't make it? I will never know the answers...

loads of possibility's fly through my head as I fly over the gap between the buildings. I close in on the other roof and this time I don't just make it...

I land on the roof. Well its not really a landing. I fall on the roof landing on my knees and roll over a while as the pain tingles up my legs.

I hear a small laugh, Selina. I also hear Detective Gordon.

"Bruce turn back now and come with me. Alfred's being going crazy. Harvey can't take it anymore, everyday he comes in to file another missing person report. Everyday he comes in muttering British garbage."

"Tell Harvey if he wants to stop Alfred, he'll have to chop out his tongue. Or he can cut off his own ears." Selina laughs whilst helping me up. I don'f find this funny and I'm pretty sure Detective Gordon doesn't to.

Selina leads me over to a metal shoot.

"ready for a wild ride?"she asks.

"what does that mean?" I get no answer because Selina grabs the top of the shoot and swings herself into it. I shrug my shoulders.

"Bruce!" I hear Jim Gordon shout.

I choose Selina.

I mimic Selina's previous actions and dive into the shot.

I slide down and down. The 'wild ride' as Selina called it never ending. It is quite enjoyable untill I hear the screeching and feel the cold metal rub against my back.

I bite the inside of my gum and taste blood.

Eventually my body makes contact with the ground again as I fall out of the tube. The ground feels wet and the air smells like that one time that we had a blockage in my en suite.

My eyes adjust to the dimly light room.

It's shaped like a tunnel, about the size of the one me and Selina walked through on my first night as a street kid, but this time I can see no light at the end of it.  I stand up and I feel the excruciating pain of the burn on my back I reach my hand behind to touch it but once I do I regret it and screech in pain. Doing so makes me lose my balance and I fall sideways. I land in something gooey and wet. My face gets completely covered in a sloop like liquid. The cold liquid feels good on my burned back and relax a little.

Soon I hear muffled words and decide to fianly come up.

"god Bruce you hopeless. you gonna be smelling like sewer forever now." Selina purrs stretchering her hand out to me.

"were in a-a-sewer!" I blurt out now knowing I must have landed in poo and urine. I mentally throw up.

I reach up to take her hand but she pulls it back.

"don't you dare pull me in!"she snaps.
"I wasn't even thinking about it."I reply, my hand still stretched out.
Selina eyes me up before once again reaching out her hand.
I lean forward a bit but she takes it away again.
"I ain't stupid Bruce. "
She right I was gonna pull her in. But I didn't lie to her. I wasn't thinking of it...until she mentioned it.

Once I have got myself out. I actually throw up.
Tiny chunks of the breakfast bar come up but it's mainly bile.
"Gross, kid. Learn to keep it down or at least do it in private." Says Selina
"It's not like I have a bathroom I can go into" I snap back at her.
"Someone sure has there sassy pants on today."

We walk down the sewer for a while. Silence taking over.
And once we reach a ladder Selina climbs up it and pushes of the drain.
The bright morning light comes shining down and blinds be. I blindly reach out for the ladder and climb up it.

Once out and adjusted to the light I take in my surroundings. We're in the nicer part of Gotham now. That's quite a walk from the rundown part we were in but it didn't feel that long even though with the silence it dragged on.

"Where are we going Selina?" I ask.
"To find answers."
"That doesn't answer my questions."
"Okay. You want to know. Well I will say one thing"she says Turing on her heals and snapping at me like a shark. I don't know where this has come from. Why aren't we getting along? Why did we share an awkward silence?
"We're going to meet someone who see's it all before we get a glimpse."
"Is that a riddle?"
"No. I ain't one for riddles it's a clue."
"Why can't u just tell me?"
"Well bruce you seem to like playing detective so I'm giving you another quest."
"I'm not in the mood to 'play detective' " I sound childish when I say this.

Selina moves in closely, so close I can feel her breath against my lips.
How I wish she was going to kiss me?
But she does nothing. She pulls away.
"Okay Bruce. I'll tell you. we're going to see the king of Gotham. " she says.
"Mr.Cobblepot? How does he see all?"
"Didn't he see the war before anyone else."
Well that's true, I guess.

"Why do we need to go to him?"I ask as Selina starts walking again down the newly paved paths.
I walk next to her the pain in my back still there and as agonising as it was when it happened.

I get awkward stares from people, disgusted looks, when they walk past they hold there nose and mutter under there breath. 

"I already said." She replays "for answers."
"Answers for what?"
"Bruce stop asking questions."she states sounding irritated. "And if You must know I need to known what Jim wanted."

A/N: who's excited to meet penguin in my fan fiction. I know I am and I hope I portray him correctly.

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