Chapter three

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I roll over and adjust myself into a hopefully more comfortable position but to my disappointment this new position is worse than the last.

I've been like this all night. Trying to get comfy. Tossing and turning, confined in the limited space of two pillows next to each other.

I give up and open my eyes. I jump and sit up when I see Selina's face peering over me. We bump heads and I crash back down.

"Why'd ya do that?"she snaps rubbing her head with her right hand, i do the same.
"Because you scared me! Why do you think!"I snap back.
She looks taken back by my rudeness and the expression on her face as she pulls away makes my heart full with guilt.
As fast as the look appeared on her face it dispersers.
"Someone ain't a morning person."she says standing up. Selina stretches out a hand to me.  I take it and she pulls me up.
" sorry Selina I had an unpleasant night ."
"Should have taken the mattress it ain't much better but it's gives you a less 'unpleasant' sleep than pillows do." Once again she mimics me, I let it slide.
Maybe Selina was right, I should have taken the mattress.

"I scored some raisin breakfast bars it ain't..." Selina starts but I cut her off
"I know it ain't much but its what we've got"
"Yes but I was going to say it ain't no full cooked English breakfast." 
She hands me a breakfast bar. I peel of the rapper and bite into it.  I savour the taste. It might be a while since I eat but that's okay.
"Come on time is money."
" but shouldn't I savour my food. I might not get some later. "
"You will. Well get a couple of bucks and if not, I could easy lift something." Her words some what comfort me and also act as a reminder. Selina is teaching me how to pick pocket today. I stuff the rest of the raisin bar into my mouth and chew, pull on my shoes and jacket.

When I'm ready Selena is waiting by the door, positioning her googles on her head.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Okay Bruce its simple. All you got to do if walk into the crowds, act normal. Stand behind the person your taking form, choose someone who's standing still. If there wallets in there back pocket snatch it. You don't get seen walk away,  if your seen run. Got it." Selina explains for the fifth time.
"I think so."
" I'll show you, follow behind not to close."

Selina starts and turns out the alley we've been hidden in. She steps into the crowds of busy people I follow keeping a close eyes on the black leather coated girl. She stands out side a shop that sells fruit and vegetables. Outside they have crates oranges, apples and bananas. Selina looks at the oranges but leaves and walks over to the apples where a small built man stands peering over the top of his glasses inspecting the apples. She slows down and swiftly her hand moves toward the mans back pocket where his wallet peers and pulls it out.

No one saw. She got away clean. I don't know if I feel proud of if I should be the one to turn her in. Am I excited or feeling guilty?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Selina starts talking.
"Mainly credit cards, no use to us. There's a couple of coins in here worth keeping." She tells me " your turn, over there see that man" Selina slim fingers point towards a plump man on his phone waiting at a bus stop just a few feet away from us. "Think you can take his wallet. See it's there his left pocket." I look at the man who resembles the build of tweedle dee and dum from Alice in wonderland, one of the many books my mother read to me.
"I see it." I say. The mans wallet is almost about to fall out his back pocket. It's like he's asking for it to be stolen. 
I copy Selina's actions that she did a few minutes ago and I follow her instructions precisely.

Walk up. Act normal. Snatch and go.

I walk towards the man hands in my pockets the. When I almost reach him my right hand falls out my pocket. I run it through my hair bring it down and slowly pull the wallet out his pocket. That's when I here it.
"Thief!" A sharp cry calls out. It's a women's high pitched cry. I've been caught. " stop her she's got my bag." I realise that it's not me the women's referring to but a girl. Selina!
I stuff the mans wallet in my pocket just as he turns around to inspect the scene. I do also. I look as if I was just interested in seeing who it was. Not making sure the girl is alright. I see Selina running towards me. Pocket knife in left hand a brown cheap bag in right.  She closes he pocket knife and stuffs it in the pocket of he black jeans.

Selina reaches me grabs my arm and pulls me with her. I match her speed and we run through the crowds. A huge smile forms on my face. This is so thrilling. I hear the cries form the women still calling "stop her! Stop them they have my bag!"

Her shouts stop and I think she given up that's when I hear a new voice shouting over the over noises. The voice low and husky, so familiar. I'm about to turn my head back to see who but Selina stops me.
"Don't let him known its us." She says.
I don't know who it is yet but I listen to her.

Selina pulls me into an alley way. Next thing I know she has jumped up and pulled down a ladder climbing up it onto the fire escape for the building to our left. I climb up behind her as fast as I can.
"Pull the ladder back up." Once I get to the top of the ladder I pull it up like Selena asked.

That's when I see him. Detective Jim Gordon runs past the alley way still calling for us to stop. The crowds subside for him and thats when he notices we've gone. He stops and starts to look around.  Jim will see us in a second.

I stand and rush up the fire escape. Selina is no longer on the fire escape. She is no where to be seen. I hope she hasn't gone and jumped to another building again. I don't know if I want to do that again, but it is a good way to face my fears. I do want to. I did it before the first time. It's was quiet exciting. Now I'm kinda hoping she has, but when I reach the top I here a hiss coming form below me look down to see Selina pressed against the ground.

I get down next to her. We peer our heads over the ledge and see detective Gordon in the alley way looking behind and in boxes, The dumpsters all the things in the dirty alley way.

A few minutes later he gives up and walks away. We both roll onto our backs and burst out laughing.

"That was so much fun." I say, no longer worrying about the guilt even though I know deep down it's there.
" it was so funny to see the high and mighty Jim Gordon digging around in the rubbish and dirt. " Selina stats. It was. "okay let's see what we scored. "

We sit up and compose ourselves. Selina puts the bag in front of her.  I notice now that the strap has been cut. Thats a clever way of snatching a bad, too bad she almost got caught.

Selina opens it and tips it upside down. The contents of the women's bag fall out onto the roof.

A little black change purse. A larger floral printed purse, Lose change, a little black flip phone,  tissues and a glasses case. I reach over and open the glasses case up. Inside is black rimmed glasses reading. I feel the guilt rise up inside of my knowing that we've stolen someone's pair of glasses. They cost a lot, I know this because my farther took me to by his reading glasses. They look very similar to my dads.

"How much in the wallet?" Selina purrs. I get the wallet out the pocket of my leather jacket. I open it up and look inside. It has the same contents as the one Selina got but there's also a ten pound note. I pull it out.

"I scored £11.34" I say feeling proud and guilty at the same time. These two contrasting feelings I've been feeling a lot on my first day as a street kid. I can foresee many more days feeling the same as this, I better get used to it.
"Not bad. I got £5.03 from the wallet and 16.71 from the women's bag. All the money together we've" I look over at Selina. Her eyebrows knitted together forehead creased trying to solve the sum.

"£33.08" I say after I work it out. "It's quite easy really to work out. I could teach you.
"Don't get cocky kid. And I prefer to learn useful things, maths ain't one of them."
" let's go get some food. Well dine on fish and bread tonight. The cats will like that. We can gets some milk for them as well." Selina decides.
"The cats?"I question.
"Oh yes. You'll love them" Selina pulls her self up brushes the stones, that's attached themselves onto her, off and starts to put everything back into the bag. Selina ties the strap and heads back down the fire escape.

I follow in tow. Not to excited for the fish knowing it won't be the beautiful
cooked salmon Alfred makes, but excited to meet Selina's 'cats'.

A/N: hi. Do you like the length of this chapter. Please comment what you think. Thanks for reading.

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