Chapter one

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I walk down the streets of Gotham. No longer scared that someone will come up and rob me, kill me, hurt me. Well to be honest that's untrue. I will always be scarred but now I'm excited. I'm ready.

I've thought Long and hard about this. And I know it's the right thing. Just as I wrote in my letter to Alfred, Malone's death made me realise a couple of things.
You can't kill murder.
You can't get revenge on evil. You can only begin to fight such things by not doing them. And you can only fight them where they live, not just at Wayne Enterprises. In the streets, in the slums, in the bad parts of town.

So that's where I'm going. I'm going to live in the streets for a while. In the letter I wrote to Alfred I told him not to worry, but I'm sure he will, however I need to do this.
Selina is giving me a place to stay. She says she has one, even though I'm not completely sure she does,but that's okay because I'll have to rough it if I want to be a street kid.

I continue walking down the dark streets of Gotham, Sticking to the main road like Selina said. I walk under the train track and continue down to a gloomy tunnel.
There's a small flickering of a fire at the entrance of the tunnel which helps me to make out a slender figure, warming there hands up with the heat from the blazing fire.

I walk over and turn to face the person. Selina looks at me. I can't quite read her expression. Is she surprised, did she not think I would not come, chicken out. Or is this an unspoken promise of protection, and a promise that she will help me fit in learn the ropes.
I choose the second one but I still think the first one is also slightly true. I look back at her with the same look. I won't do nothing if it comes down to me and Selina at gun point. I will protect her as she will me.
She turns and walks into the tunnel. Looking down at the fire feeling the heat on my face. Will fire be my only source of heat in the cold now? Will it be my only source of light in the dark? I take a deep breath. I won't back out. I don't want to. I need to be here, in order to make the ending I want. I will do something to help Gotham. Make it the city my farther dreamed of. I'm not going to start battling muggers or anything. But One day I will do something, to help the people of Gotham. I don't know yet what I'm going to do, but I will do something.
First though I need to learn how to live in the world other people do. The world I want to protect, in order to do so I need to understand it.

So that's why I'm here. I turn on my feet and follow behind Selina walking at a faster paste to catch up with her. Once I do I match her speed and we walk through the tunnel and out the other end.

So this is just a filler the main story will start in the next chapter. I hope you like this one. Some of this I took from Bruce letter at the end of season 2 episode 14. Please comment if I have done anything wrong I'm open to criticism.

What do you want to happen on Bruce's first day living on the streets with Selena?

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