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Francis jumped off the plane and looked around him. The cool air hit his face. He walked towards the exit where he collected his baggage and proceeded towards the main doors of the airport. Lines of people stood waiting to pick up their near and dear ones, cab drivers held up boards with passenger names. He gazed towards the far end of the line and he spotted her. Small and frail, she was dressed in a long white and pink dress that hung loosely off her shoulders. Their eyes met and she gave him a small smile and nodded towards the area where her vehicle was parked.
Once seated inside the car, she turned to him and said, “I am so glad that you came Francis. You have no idea how much this means to us. My brother is at home looking after her. All of us are terrified and only you can help us.”
He patted her arm reassuringly, “I will do whatever I can to cure her. I will need to ascertain first if she is really possessed and if I am sure then I will do everything I can to help.”
They continued the rest of the drive in silence. They finally arrived at a small but neat looking house. They got out of the car and Francis went around the back and took out his suitcase.
“Come on in. Before I take you to meet the rest of them, why don’t you freshen up? I will show you your room.”
Francis followed her into the door. As soon as he stepped inside the dark house, he felt a cold chill run down his entire being. There definitely was something going on here. A weird but faint acidic smell reached his nostrils and it made him feel even more uncomfortable.
He entered the room designated to him. It was a simple room. One single cot stood in the centre. Next to it was a small table with a lamp and on the other side was a single cupboard. At the far end of the room stood a small table with a chair and some stationary items. He placed his suitcase on the floor and went into the connected bathroom and washed his face. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and noticed the tiredness in his eyes and the wrinkles on his face.
“I promise you that after this we are going home” he said to himself.
He stepped out of the bathroom and again felt a cold chill. He shuddered and went to his suitcase. He opened it and took out a bible and placed it on the table by the bed. He took out his Rosary and knelt by the side and prayed that God give him the strength to fight whatever it was that was causing so much pain to the innocent people in this house.
Two days after he had returned to his home in Cairo, he had received an email from a woman named Cathy. She had written,
Fr. Francis,
I need your help. You don’t know who I am but I have read about your works. My youngest sister is possessed. And only you can save her. I have taken her to the best doctors. They either tell me to take her to a psychiatrist or say that she is suffering from something similar to epilepsy. What that something similar is no one knows. They keep stuffing her with pills and obviously none of it is working.
I know that the demons have got her. I have heard her screams and I have seen her flying across the room. No medical condition does that to anyone. She is suffering. She is only thirteen years old Father. Please help us.
I do not know which part of the world you are in right now. But if you do agree to help us (which I pray you will), I will arrange for your flight tickets to us and back again to wherever you want to go. Please get in touch with me.
Francis had responded to her mail almost immediately. Something about it had told him that she wasn’t joking. After several mails and calls, his bags were packed and he was flying to America. She had sent him a picture of her family. It was just her, her younger brother Bill who looked around eighteen and their thirteen year old sister Maggie.
The moment he had seen the beautiful and happy face of Maggie, he knew that he would do his best to help them no matter what.
Just as Francis finished his prayers, a loud ear shattering scream broke through the silence of the house and again he felt a strong eerie shiver pass through his body. He dropped his Rosary on to the bed and ran out immediately.

The Legend - Watty Awards 2012
HorrorAfter being abandoned at the Altar, Jenna and her family move across the country to start afresh.. away from old flames and tainted memories. Everything is wonderful - a lovely home, new friends, a new life. All seems perfect!! Or is it????