Tyler paced up and down his house frustrated while his parents sat on the sofa in worry. All of a sudden the lights came back on. Without saying a word, Tyler rushed to the door and tried opening it again. It swung open easily.
“I’m going there now”, he exclaimed running out.
“We’ll come with you.”
Phil and May grabbed their coats and ran behind him. They piled into the car and drove as fast as they could towards the Smiths’ house.
Paul realised that the air around him was no longer chill. The moon’s light slowly and softly illuminated his surroundings as the clouds began to clear in the sky. He noticed that he was no longer standing on a small island and the earth around him was whole once again. Gingerly, he placed a foot forward, trying to test whether the ground would crack open again. When everything seemed okay, he sprinted as fast as he could to the front of Jenna’s house.
Tyler, Phil, May and Paul reached the scene at the same moment. They stopped in their tracks, too stunned to move forward.
The moon was shining at its fullest in the sky. Richard’s head hung out of the window twisted at an unnatural angle. His tongue was hanging out and eyes bulging out of their sockets. The rest of his body seemed to be hanging off the electric pole. Jenna was sitting beneath his window and crying hysterically and a swarm of black, bird like creatures flew over head as if circling the destruction below.
May was the first to come to her senses and she ran forward to Jenna.
“Jenna! Oh my god! Come here my darling!” and she held on to the weeping girl with all her might.
The three men soon followed. While Phil called 911, Tyler and Paul began looking around trying to figure what happened.
“Why don’t you take Jenna inside?” Phil asked his wife. “We will wait here till an ambulance arrives.”
May nodded and gently lifted Jenna up and led her inside the house. She seated her on the couch and went to get her a glass of water. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Pat standing by the counter staring out at the moonlight, softly humming to herself.
May walked up to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Pat continued to stare ahead oblivious to her presence. May tapped her back and called out to her.
“Pat? Pat? Can you hear me? Are you okay?”
Pat’s head whipped around. She stared at May, her eyes turning blood red. She let out a hissing sound and picked up a knife from the counter and pointed it at May.
Startled, May took a step backwards.
“What the hell?!” Tyler exclaimed from near the door.
At the sound of his voice, Pat dropped the knife, pushed past him and made her way into her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Mom, are you okay?”
“Yes I am. But we need to see if Pat is alright.”
“But mom, she just tried to threaten you with a knife!”
“I know. But she also has gone through a horrible ordeal. Don’t forget that she too was in that car. We don’t know if she has hurt herself or anything. She probably is in shock right now.”
Tyler nodded and silently followed his mom. Paul was sitting with Jenna and Phil was outside talking to the cops.
They knocked on Pat’s door but were greeted with silence. They tried knocking again and again but to no avail. After about ten minutes of trying, they finally gave up hope and went back to the living room. Jenna had fallen asleep on the couch.
“Let’s not wake her. Why don’t all of you head home and I will stay here with her tonight,” said May.
Once everyone had left, May sat down at the edge of the couch and stared at Jenna’s sleeping form. She couldn’t help but notice how much thinner and paler she had become since the day they had first met. She stroked Jenna’s hair slowly and was slowly drifting off to sleep when a loud piercing shriek, followed by uncontrollable crying echoed throughout the house, shattering the silence.
May rushed towards Pat’s room and banged at the door. All at once, the crying stopped.
“Pat, open this please. Please, I beg of you Pat, just open this door once.”
The house was deathly silent.
May made her way back to Jenna who continued to sleep. She couldn’t shake off the sickly feeling that she felt deep down in her gut. Somehow she knew that there was something much bigger awaiting them.
What, when, why and where.. only time would tell.
A/N: Hey there!! So I finally managed to get a new chapter up! Everything has been just so crazy and work has been so hectic that I haven't even had time to breathe! But I was determined to get this chapter up today and Voila! Here it is! It isn't very long but I do hope you enjoy it. have already started on chapter Eighteen and that should be up within the next 2-3 days.
Don't forget to Comment and Vote!!

The Legend - Watty Awards 2012
TerrorAfter being abandoned at the Altar, Jenna and her family move across the country to start afresh.. away from old flames and tainted memories. Everything is wonderful - a lovely home, new friends, a new life. All seems perfect!! Or is it????