Testimony - Immortal_Imagination

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This testimony was given by Immortal_Imagination. Thank you so much for sharing this!


"I was born into, and have lived my whole life in a Christian household. My parents brought up my siblings and I, with Christian morals and beliefs. So, believing in God wasn't ever weird or strange. It was just kinda, normal. We were taught about Jesus and the cross, we were taught about the resurrection, we were taught about the Bible, and we were taught about demons and Hell.

But, the thing is, I wasn't really a Christian. God was just a, kinda "thing" in my life. He was just, there, in the background. I went on about my daily life, without him. I would pray every night before falling asleep, but I never meant it. It was just a ritual thing to me. Weird thing is, I actually hated hearing other people talk about God. I don't mean my family. I mean, if I were to see a post online about God, it would bother me. If I were to see a sign on the side of the road saying, "Jesus Saves" I would cringe. It wasn't personal for me, and I didn't like hearing about it from anyone other than family.

However, with my parents talking so much about these things, I got frustrated that I didn't know anything, I had only ever opened a Bible once. So, I grabbed a Bible, and I started working my way through it. The more I read, the more I wanted to know about God. So, I read more. Seven o'clock every night, I'd read through several chapters of the Bible. Highlighting happily, along the way.

And then, I started to watch Christian YouTubers. Bible Flock Box, ChristsForgiveness, Wayne Levi Price, etc. And, they inspired me. I wanted to have the relationship with God that they did. So, I repented, and confessed my sins to God. Asking for salvation. The funny thing is, I did so on a Sunday night, at eleven o'clock, in a bathroom. Strange place for this to all go down? Yes, yes it was.

Something I've learned from this though, is that your parents can't save you. Sure, they can teach you about God and the gospel. But, your parents can't make you repent, they can't make you be born again. Just believing that God exists isn't enough. Claiming the title of Christian isn't enough. You need to FOLLOW Jesus."


Wow, guys, give a hand to Immortal_Imagination!👏 Definitely an inspiring testimony! I love what was said in the last paragraph. It speaks so much to me!

If any one of you has a testimony that you would like to share, message me and I'll get you from there! Thank you so much! I can't wait to hear more testimonies! I might do mine soon! It would probably be pretty long though...

God bless every one of you!
Have a fantabulous day!


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