Testimony!! and Prayer Request

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Hello, everybody! Long time no see! My apologies!!

Thank you in advance for reading this!! I am extremely thrilled to share with you the testimony of BoldforChrist!! This testimony that was so willingly and eagerly given to me truly touched me, and I pray that it does the same for you!

I'll stop babbling, so we can get this thing started!


My parents got married in 1988. They were happy, but something was missing... They had no children. They tried for years (more than ten, in fact) and went to a few fertility clinics before the doctors concluded that they would never have kids of their own.

So they decided to adopt. In '97, they adopted a little boy we'll call DJ. He was born with a cyst or something on the back of his neck, but it was removed. My parents were told that he would have a shunt the rest of his life and there was a 30% chance he would not walk, but there was something else wrong with him.

Two years later, they adopted another little boy we'll call Chad. They were told that "there was a history of mental illness in Chad's family so keep an eye on him. But he should be fine."

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