Discussion - Halloween

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Discussion Questions:

#1. Do you think Halloween is the holiday of the devil? Is it bad?
#2. If you do celebrate it, what is your favorite part about Halloween?
#3. What is your favorite holiday? Why?

•I personally do not think that Halloween is bad. Yes, there are some people who take it to the extreme and do things that are bad, but the holiday itself, to me, is harmless.
•My favorite part is the events that go on for it and the candy, of course! My choir director always puts on a Fall Social around this time and we all dress up in costumes and have the best costume and karaoke contests. And eat candy. It's incredibly fun!
Christmas has always held a warm spot in my heart because not only is it a time of giving, presents, fancy lights, and great food, but it also always just some amazing, quality time out of school that I get to spend with my family.


I AM STILL WAITING ON SOME MORE RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FROM YOU GUYS! Only one person has submitted theirs (it's amazing!). I would love for everyone to say at least a little something because every individual sees things from a perspective that not everyone else will and it's good for us to open our minds and our hearts to more, especially when it comes to our relationships (with our earthly partners and with God) because they are who we are closest to and who we spend the most time with every day.

Do yeah, just message me all that you want to say about that (see a previous part for all the information on that). Thank you! I love you SOOOO much!

Well, I hope you guys have an exciting and safe Halloween! God bless!


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