Discussion - Euthanasia (Part One: Breaking the Ice Discussion)

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Hey, guys! It's been a while! How ya doing? :D
I'm doing pretty good myself, I guess. Typical back to school week...

So in my English class, we are writing an argumentative research essay and I have decided to do mine over euthanasia. If you don't know what that is, well to put it in shorter terms it is basically assisted suicide for those who are terminally ill, disabled, or are in a coma in which they have only the slightest chance of coming out of and wish to end their life quicker, basically assuming that there's no chance for them and that everything is hopeless.

 If you don't know what that is, well to put it in shorter terms it is basically assisted suicide for those who are terminally ill, disabled, or are in a coma in which they have only the slightest chance of coming out of and wish to end their life...

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There are different ways one can request to have it done. There's passive euthanasia, active euthanasia, and voluntary passive euthanasia (there may be more, but these are the three main ways). Passive euthanasia is where the doctors basically take the patient off of any life support they're on and withhold on giving any medicine to them, letting death come more naturally, with nothing to prevent it. Active euthanasia is intended to be short and quick. Most will have an injection of lethal drugs that will kill them quickly. Others can just have the doctors take them off of any life support system, knowing that without it they will die nearly instantly. It's intended to be all in one action. Voluntary passive euthanasia is basically a mix of the two.

No matter how you decide to have it done, I believe with all of my heart that it is WRONG. I'm not going to explain why because...
I want to hear YOUR opinions without mine having any effect on it! I have done quite a bit of research on it already so I know my facts and I don't want to bend your opinion before you get the chance to speak! I want to hear what YOU personally think about the topic, whether you're for or against it and why, that way I can have a few more angles to look at it for when I write my essay.

But don't get me wrong, this isn't just for me. This is also for you to expand your thoughts and to firm up your beliefs! I am an EXTREMELY indecisive person, so I'll be honest with you, I'm not really one to talk, BUT when it comes to your faith and what you believe in YOU'VE GOT TO CHOOSE A SIDE! Especially when you get older, you can't just be riding the fence about everything your entire life! "Uhhhh, I dunno..." Know your stuff and know what you believe in.

Me? I believe abortion, murder, and euthanasia are wrong and I stand FIRM on that belief. I believe God created us in His image and that the earth did not form from some big bang in the universe and I stand FIRM on that belief. I shall not be moved!

I'm not perfect, but I mean, we all need to learn to stand strong and not weeble and wobble around when someone asks us about serious things like this. It's just like reading your Bible. You can't believe one verse of it and then not believe the rest! You either believe it all or you don't! It's a very fine line between the two.

All I'm trying to say is... Know where you stand.

Any who, I got soooooooo off topic!
Are you for or against it? Why?
Let me know!
I'll probably do a chapter over it later, completely explaining the reasoning behind why I believe it's wrong, maybe a few things thrown in there with it and of course you guys will be able to share your thoughts! We'll see!

Have a beautiful day, my squishes!
You are blessed, don't convince yourself of anything else!
You. Are. Blessed.

God be with you all! Make good choices please!

God be with you all! Make good choices please!

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Seriously. Make good choices!!!!!!!!!!

Musically yours,

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