Chapter 9

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I look up and see Blake talking to Cameron on the other side of the room, he looks up and looks at me for a bit when I realize that he doesn't look happy. I mouth to him, 'Are you okay?' He just rolls his eyes and turns back to Cameron. I sit there confused I keep looking at them to see if I can make out what they are saying. Cameron keeps looking at me whilst he was talking to Blake. That's when it hit, Blake is annoyed at me, my stomach drops and I start feeling really bad and confused.

I see Lei is sitting on her own, I walk over to her and sit down, "Where is Aaron?" She looks outside, "His on the phone with his mum," I nod. "What's wrong?" She asks frowning. "I don't know?" I start. "Blake is annoyed at me for some reason and I don't know why? And it is really bothering me because I feel like I've hurt him but I haven't done anything." She just nods. "Well you and Hunter are flirting and sitting really close," I look at Hunter who is now talking to Joey. "I think it really bothered him when you guys kissed each other on the cheek." I face palm myself. "I don't like Hunter like that and he doesn't like me like that, we were just taking a photo, and Blake doesn't like me," I say really fast. "Charlotte I think they both like you, just look at it, Blake gave you free VIP tickets and kept winking at you, he invited you to come hang with them, he keeps holding your hand and when he kissed you it didn't look like it meant nothing." I just nod and remember all of the events, "Same with Hunter, he was holding your hand and he looked really jealous when you and Blake kissed," I groan and put my head in my hands. "I'm to tired to deal with this, I'm going to have a shower," I say to Lei. She nods and says, "If you need someone to talk to I'm here," I thank her and give her a hug.

After my shower I walk back into the flat and see everyone either on their phones or talking. I find somewhere on one of the beds that no one is sitting on, I jump onto the mattress and get under the covers, I turn onto my stomach and put my face into the pillow. I'm starting to fall asleep when I feel someone fall on me, I lift my head up and twist my body to see Cameron lying across me. "Get off me!" I growl. He just laughs and stays there, "I said get the OFF ME!," I yell the last bit, everything goes quiet and everyone looks at me. I push Cameron off me and storm out the door.

I end up back inside the house and in my own room, I hear someone knock on the door, "Come in," I mumble. I see all of the girls walk in and sit on my bed. "What's wrong?" Ashley asks. "Nothing, I'm just tired." I say with a nervous laugh at the end for no reason. "Oh, haha well you gave the boys a scare." I bury my head in my pillow embarrassed at my outbreak. "I have never seen you like that," Sarah says. "I know I don't like yelling at people except for my brothers," They all laugh. "Well we wanna watch a movie on Netflix but we don't know how to work the T.V in the flat."

We walk out of the house and to the door of the flat, I let the girls go before me and I hesitate before I walk in. When I walk in everyone stares at me, "Uhh S-sorry about before I am just really tired." They all say it's okay and Cameron comes and gives me a hug, "Sorry about jumping on you," He whispers. "Nah, I over reacted," We both laugh and I go and turn the T.V on and grab the remote. I look for a place on the mattresses and the only spot I can see is between Cameron and Blake, I take a deep breath and sit down in between them.

We decided on watching 'Mean Girls'. Lei is laying next to Aaron who has his arm underneath her neck, Ashley is sitting on Brandon's lap and Sarah is resting her head on Christian's chest. Everyone is comfortable except for Blake and I who are just sitting there awkwardly. I see a notepad and a pen sitting on the floor behind me so I reach over and grab them. I decide to write, 'Why are you angry at me?'  I hand it to him with the pen and he starts writing. 'I'm not'. I roll my eyes because I know something is up. 'I know there is something wrong, please tell me its bugging me,' I hand it back to him and give him a look as to tell me. 'Its just I thought you liked me, but when you were with Hunter its obvious you like him.' He hands it back to me but doesn't look at me. I read it all and blush at the fact that he likes me. 'I don't like Hunter like that, he is just a friend. Please stop ignoring me?' He reads it and I see a slight smile tug at the corners of his mouth. He puts the notepad down on the floor next to him and pulls me into a hug, "I'm sorry," He whispers in my ear. "It's okay and I'm sorry too."

We end up laying down next to each other cuddling, I feel Cameron tap my shoulder and I turn my head to face him, "So you and Blake are good?" he whispers. I just nod my head and smile.

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