Chapter Six

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Dedicated to the amazing _hogwartian_ because she's bangin and the nicest person I have met here! She's got a lot of great TW, HP, and other fics and stories written, and her newest one is a sequel called The Rising Sun. Please check it outttt:)

I still freaking don't own Teen Wolf. Sweg.

"It's, like, negative degrees." I breathed, rubbing my gloved hands together. I was decked out in jeans, boots, two jackets, a scarf, ear muffs, and gloves, and I was still freezing.

"Jessa, help?" Lydia asked, holding up half of her "we luv Jackson" poster and looking like she expected me to help.

"Uh, no." I replied flatly. There was no way was I cheering for Jackass, my own brother was on first line.

"Come on Scott, show 'em who's boss!" I screamed, leaping to my feet and clapping animatedly.

"Which one is Scott again?" Mister Argent asked from beside Allison.

"Number eleven." We both answered at the same time.

"The only player who hasn't caught the ball the whole game." Lydia said snidely, earning a sharp look from me. Rude. But it was true, and mom was cheering from the sidelines with Mister Stilinski when she should have been at work.

But, almost as soon as she said it, Scott had the ball and was literally jumping over the other player, shooting it right into the net. Allison and I both screamed, jumping to our feet and clapping like proud soccer moms. And Scott did it again and again.

When the last minute showed up on the timer Scott clutched his helmet tightly, doubling over. No, now was not the time to go all wolfy. We were tied thanks to him and he was about to sprout claws. Good luck explaining that one.

"Come on Scott." I screamed, pumping my fist in the air. Scott missed the ball when the whistle blew but the opposing player just... Passed it straight to him, letting him by and giving him a chance to shoot, the ball going straight into the net as time was called.

All of Beacon Hills leapt to their feet and cheered, though none of them probably noticed Scott running off to the locker rooms. I sprinted off after him, Allison hot on my heels. When we reached the locker room, Stiles tried to stop us but Allison was already inside.

"Maybe she can calm him down." I suggested hopefully, clutching on to Stiles' arm. He nodded but didn't look as optimistic, sliding his hand into mine and leading the way into the locker rooms. We hid behind some lockers, but all we could hear was the identifiable sounds of kissing. Ew, that was my brother.

"Hi, Jessa, Stiles." Allison waved and blushed as she headed past us and out of the room. Scott stumbled out after her a moment later in some sort of love induced daze.

"I kissed her." Scott said in a daze, stopping inn front of Stiles and me.

"We saw." Stiles nodded.

"And she kissed me!" Scott added.

"Saw that to." I replied, continuing to nod.

"I don't know how I did it but I held it back. Maybe I can do this, maybe it's not so hard." Scott said optimistically.

"Yeah, maybe I'll tell you later." Stiles sighed, leaning against some lockers.

"What?" Scott and I chimed at the same time.

"They took a look at the half of the body we found." Stiles paused and Scott and I exchanged a look.

"And?" We both egged.

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