Chapter Twenty-Two

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Major Stessa or maybe not you don't know I don't know even Jesus don't know

I Do Not Own Teen Wolf

(v Jaden Smith of me)

Part Three

“What are you talking about?” I asked, wrinkling my eyebrows. Now I was royally confused.

“I’m talking about how I’ve been in love with you since I even knew what the word meant!” Stiles shouted, full out this time. There was a clattering noise and we both turned to see a pudgy and acne-scarred twenty-something in an apron and work gloves with a giant cart next to him, a broken carton of eggs face-down on the floor. He stared at us for a second before smiling a smile that did not meet his eyes and continuing to stock the shelves robotically, his stomach jiggling each time he squatted and then stood, setting down one carton after another.

Stiles and I turned to face each other again and I ducked out of his grasp, dropping the yoghurt into the cart and storming off, my arms crossed tightly over my chest. I shoved through the automatic doors before they even had time to register that I was there, crossing the parking lot and breezing past the blue jeep in record time.

It was colder than I remembered, and I pulled my sleeves over my hands before crossing my arms again, trying to preserve all of my body heat, or as much as I could. It helped that my heart was going ten miles a minutes, so no chance of hypothermia there. I picked up the pace as a car slowed slightly before passing by, feeling the eyes of the middle-aged driver like spiders crawling on my skin.

Suddenly storming off like this didn’t seem like such a hot idea. A teenage girl wandering through a forest-lined road at night with no protection and no phone wasn’t a good idea under any circumstances, but when your life was filled with all sorts of supernatural beings, it was just a cherry on top of the kill-me cake.

Headlights flashed as a car slowed down as it approached, and I ducked my head, walking even faster, as fast as my legs could carry me.

The car slowed to walking-speed and my heart picked up again, and I was sure that Derek and Scott could hear me across town. In fact, I hoped they did because an intervention might be necessary right about now.

“Jessa,” A voice called, and I groaned, throwing my head back and slowing down. My heart slowed a little too, but I was only relieved that I wasn’t going to get cut up into tiny pieces and ditched in a field just yet.

“Stiles, leave me the hell alone.” I called back, kicking a pine cone in front of me and continuing to walk along at a determined pace while Stiles slowed his car to stay right along with me.

“No! What did I do wrong?” He asked, pounding the steering wheel with his hand in exasperation. “I mean, I know what I did wrong, I humiliated you, I ruined our friendship… I don’t know why I asked.” He sighed. I stopped short, and so did the jeep, the breaks screeching as it lurched forwards and then froze. The Jeep made this totally unnatural and probably not safe noise that made both of us wince, though we unanimously decided to ignore it.

“You humiliated me, yeah.” I sighed, crossing my arms and looking up at the hazy night sky. “You humiliated me because I’ve been so stupid. I’ve been so stupid my whole life not to notice that, and nobody bothered to tell me.” I admitted.

“I’m not embarrassed by you, Stiles. I could care less what people think. I’m embarrassed because I’m so oblivious.”

“You’re not embarrassed of me?” Stiles asked. I scoffed, of course that’s all he got out of it.

“Of course not. If I was do you think I’d spend so much time with you? I could easily ditch you and Scott, but I don’t. I never have, and I don’t think I ever will.” I sighed, scuffing my shoe on the asphalt.

There was a long pause.

“Get in the car, Jessa.” Stiles called. I glanced at him briefly, seeing the tired look on his face. I looked away quickly, rounding the car just as he leaned across the seats and shoved the door open.

It was much warmer inside when I closed the door and pulled the seat belt across my chest, clipping it into the little lock boxy-type-thing.

Stiles put the car in Drive and we headed down the road while I rubbed my palms together in front of the little heater. It was futile and my hands still felt like personal ice-boxes.

We pulled up to a red light and Stiles glanced at me, sighing and holding out his hands. I stared at them for a second before meeting his eyes. He nodded at me and curled his fingers towards himself, and I hesitantly held out my hands.

Stiles took my skinny frozen fingers in his massive palms and rubbed them together, leaning over and breathing a breath of warm air onto my hands before pulling his sleeves over our joined hands, turning to watch that the light hadn’t changed yet.

“I’m sorry.” Stiles said after a minute, his hands still wrapped around mine as my fingers slowly thawed like chicken cutlets.

“Sorry for what?” I asked. Stiles stared ahead at the passing cars, thinking his answer over.

“Sorry for telling you?” Stiles asked more than said. “Maybe just for telling you like that. Or maybe for telling you at all. I don’t know.” He admitted, letting out a heavy breath.

“I’ll admit that I wish it’d gone a little differently…” I admitted nervously, pulling my hands away. Stiles looked at me in shock, but I nodded at the now green light and he quickly started driving again, catching on. “But I’m not sorry you told me.” I clarified. Stiles struggled not to look at me, I could tell he wanted to, though. I was glad he didn’t.

“You aren’t?”

“No.” I breathed, staring at my shaking knees. This was it, the whole ‘confronting my feelings’ thing. If you ask me it’s bogus. Don’t do it. “I wasn’t expecting it. At all.” I let out a shaky laugh and tucked my cold hands between my thighs.

Stiles laughed quietly, seeming a little relieved. His shoulders slouched over slightly and he seemed to relax, his grip listening on the steering wheel. My lips twitched up into a tiny smile and I pushed my hair behind my ears, pushing my hands closer together.

“But I’m glad you told me.” I admitted, staring out the window as trees flitted by. “It makes it easier for me to tell you how I feel.”

This was it, going in for the kill.

“How do you feel?” Stiles prompted.

“I want Winter Formal to be a date.” I breathed. “I wanted tonight to be a date. And lunch at the diner, and all of our movie nights and all of those stupid lacrosse parties that I only went to so I could see you. I wanted all of it to be a date.” I rushed out.

"That time in the locker room when you told me about Scott? I wanted you to kiss me. Just like in the movies, in the smelly, empty locker room. I don't care." I breathed, picking at my scraggly nail beds.

“I want to go on lots of dates, and build forts out of sheets, and talk about stupid things until it’s three AM and we realize we forgot to sleep. I want to kiss you when I see you in the morning and when you drop me off at night, and maybe between classes sometimes. I want to hold your hand. Like, really badly.” I continued. Now that it was coming out, there was no stopping it.

“And I want you to call me pretty and have those annoying pet names and I want to hold you just because I can. I want all of that disgusting, cliché shit that everyone hates but secretly loves. And I want all of it with you.”

“You… really mean that?”

“All of it.”


Don't be a loser check out my Niall story called paper hearts

Happy Mooooonday

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