Chapter Seventeen

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I do not own Teen Wolf. I do own a poncho with Woody and Buzz on it.


"Lydia, can we stop at Stiles' on the way pleassseee?" I asked in my sweetest voice possible.

"Fine," She sighed, turning left at the intersection where I directed her. "But only a hand job, not a blow job. We don't have time to redo your makeup." Lydia responded, and Allison burst out laughing while I spluttered helplessly.

"We were not making out!" I protested. Lydia had been all proud of herself because when Stiles and I came late to class she thought we'd been doing naughty things in his car. Apparently when I bent over to pick up my things from the floor of the car, she'd had a nice view from the window and was under the impression that there was something else going on. No. Ew. My decision to skip most of my makeup had not helped with her little theory either.

"Hm." She hummed and pulled up at Stiles' house just as I ignored yet another call. I sprinted up the driveway and let myself in, climbing the stairs to Stiles' room. Derek Hale was in one corner staying silent and shirtless and mysterious as he does, while Stiles was leaning over Danny in his desk chair.

"Jessa, thank God. Danny here traced the source of the text that Allison received that night at the school. That's the account name it was registered to." Stiles said quickly, stepping back and giving me a nervous look as I leaned over Danny's shoulder. My jaw dropped.

"You're sure?" I asked, spinning Danny to face me.

"Yeah I'm sure." Danny nodded. "Now I've got a lacrosse game to get ready for." He announced, getting out of the chair and getting his things together while I turned to Stiles.

"Why is that account registered to my mother?" I asked in a whisper. "And why is Derek shirtless in the corner?"

"Oh, that's my cousin Miguel." Stiles replied, nodding at Derek, who was glaring at me. I made a face at him and turned back to Stiles.

"My mother did not send that text, Stiles." I persisted, crossing my arms and eyeing Danny, who was putting his binder away and shooting looks at 'Miguel.'

"I know. I'll figure out who did, okay?" Stiles promised.

"How?" I asked, stomping my foot. My mother would not lead Allison to the school to be eaten by the psychotic alpha wolf, there was no way in hell.

"I'll find the computer. Don't worry," Stiles promised, turning to Danny who was leaving the room.

"Danny, wait up!" I called, and he paused in the door, looking at me expectantly.

"Lydia's waiting for me outside, okay? I'll see you at the game," I said, giving Stiles a small smile. He nodded, smiling back and glancing at Derek uncertainly. "Good luck on first line hotshot." I added, hesitating before leaving a kiss on Stiles' cheek and hurrying after Danny, shooting a blush and a wave over my shoulder on the way out.

"So you and Stiles, huh?" He asked as we headed out onto the front path.

"No." I said flatly, climbing into Lydia's car and ignoring Danny as we drove off.


"Where's Stiles?" I turned to see Mister Stilinski standing next to me with his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"No clue. He said he'd be here." I shrugged, hugging my arms closer to myself. "I'm sure he's just in the locker room or something." I added, looking around the field. Honestly, the fact that he'd been with Derek-er, Miguel- before the game lead me to believe that Stiles probably wasn't even near the school and was doing something that had very little to do with lacrosse.

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