Chapter Five

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"So she's giving you another chance, that's good." I offered optimistically, leaning back on the bench and crossing my arms over my chest in attempts to stay warmer.

"Greenberg, take a lap! Let's go!" Coach Finstock shouted in his unbearable scratchy voice. "Let's go McCall!"

Scott jumped of the bench and hesitantly jogged off on to the field, spinning his lacrosse stick in his hands.

He began drills, and almost instantly Scott went down. I heard Stiles, who was right next to me where Scott had been moments earlier, suck in a breath.

"Hey, McCall. My grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead!"

"Here we go." I sighed, watching as Finstock prepared to eat my brother alive.

"McCall, do you think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" Finstock asked, getting right up in Scott's face.

"Yes, coach." Scott seethed, getting to his feet and preparing to go again.

Across the field, Isaac lifted up his face grate and waved, smiling brightly.

"So are you dating, or...?" Stiles asked. I turned and raised an eyebrow at him. Why did Stiles suddenly care about my love life? "I mean I just saw you together at Lydia's and I was just, uh..."

"No, we aren't." I responded, eyeing Stiles warily while he seemingly avoided looking at me at all costs. Stiles and I turned our attention back to the field in time to see Scott hop back to his feet and begin the play again.

This time something was off, though, and when Scott slammed right into Jackson and sent him sprawling both Stiles and I leapt to our feet, chasing after Scott as he bolted into the locker rooms.

"I can't stop it, it's happening!" Scott growled, clutching his head and slamming into some lockers.

"What, are you like wolfing out? Right now?" I asked, begging to panic. I mean, on Friday night I'd had time to process it all, but we were at school! At lacrosse!

"Yes, right now!" Scott yelled, slamming into the lockers again and letting out a low growl. Stiles opened his mouth, but Scott pressed a hand to his chest and shoved him back into me, the pair of us hitting the lockers with a metallic thud.

Scott wolfed out, jumping up onto the top off the lockers while Stiles backed us into a corner, wrapping a protective arm around me and starting up at my estranged brother, his glowing golden eyes pinned right on us.


"Her father is a hunter!" Scott slammed my bedroom door shut behind him, sitting in my desk chair angrily. Stiles and I exchanged a look from or perch on my double bed where we were doing homework. Stiles was pathetic at chemistry.

"Why of course, Scott! Come right in! Stiles and I were not reviewing for tomorrow's chemistry quiz! Tell us about your problems!" I cooed sarcastically, flipping my book closed anyway. Just because I acted sarcastic did not mean I hadn't been searching for any excuse to stop studying for the past hour.

After glaring at me, Scott continued talking. "He shot me with a crossbow." He grumbled.

"Does Allison know?" Stiles asked, and then shrugged when Scott shook his head.

"It's a forbidden romance, like Romeo and Juliet. Don't kill yourself." I warned. "Oh, or like Beauty and the Beast!" I continued before I could stop.

"Hey, kids and Stiles." Mom stuck her head in my room, not looking surprised that Stiles was here in the slightest. "I'm off to work. I'm doing a double so I can take Saturday off and see your big game." She smiled proudly, and I felt my stomach sink.

"Mom, you can't do that." Scott pleaded, getting to his feet.

"I can and I will!" Mom replied, grinning and giving Scott a hug. She blew me a kiss and was out the door in the blink of an eye.

"I can't play the game on Saturday, what am I gonna do?" Scott groaned, sitting back down and putting his head in his hands. I hated setting him like this, but what else could we do?


A few hours after I'd kicked Stiles and Scott out I drifted to sleep, only to be awoken by Stiles and Scott planning something in the next room over and saying Derek Hale a lot.

"Come on, we're going to the hospital, Jessa." Stiles said, shoving my door open.

"Does anyone knock anymore or is that not a thing that happens?" I shouted in exasperation, throwing my head back. I grumbled the whole time I was getting normal clothes back on before I climbed in the back of Stiles' Jeep and we sped off towards Beacon Hills Hospital.

As soon as we entered Scott bolted. This left Stiles and I in the lobby, where Lydia was sitting and chattering on her Bluetooth. I grinned and waved before taking a seat, watching as Stiles opened his mouth to say something to Lydia and then sitting down instead.

"So what's new with you?" Stiles asked, picking at a thread on his sleeve. I shrugged, tucking a stand of hair behind my ear.

"Honestly, just so tired. Mom asked me if I was doing drugs today because of how blood shot my eyes were." I managed before letting out another yawn.

"Yeah, the stress had been getting to all of us. But Scott's going to get the scent in the morgue and we're going to find the other half of the body and all of our problems will be solved." Stiles reasoned. "Minus the werewolf part, but what can you do."

"I don't know what you can do," I stretched, yawning again, "but I'm taking a nap." I informed, leaning my head against the wall and attempting to get comfortable, but it was useless.

"You can, uh, lean on me if you want?" Stiles offered nervously, and I opened one eye to squint at him before resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around one of his, cuddling up and letting my eyes flutter shut.

"It's the same, the scent was the same." Scott rushed in, his face flushed.

"You sure?" Stiles asked, luckily not moving.

"Yes." Scott replied confidently.

"Then I guess now we have proof that Derek killed the girl." Stiles shrugged slight, making my head lift and drop.

"And I say we use it." Scott panted. Stiles flinched slightly and I decided to open my eyes and watch the exchange.

"Is this about wanting to play the game on Saturday?" Stiles asked hesitantly.

"There were bite marks on the legs, Stiles. Bite marks!" Scott persisted. Stiles stayed silent for a long moment.

"Okay, then we're going to need a shovel."


I opted to stay in the car on lookout, which really just meant I was tired and so not in the mood to dig up half of a dead body while freezing my ass off.

Nearly an hour had passed and I was just begging to doze off when the doors opened and two boys jumped into the car, excitedly starting it up and driving off. I was barely conscious until there was yelling and an unmistakable growl. Maybe I was dreaming, but a Wolfy Scott jumped out of the car while Stiles threw his backpack out the window.

"This is real!" Stiles said angrily into the phone, finally pulling me from my half asleep state. "Have there been any weird sightings? Perhaps a dog-like individual-hey, no, don't hang-!" Stiles slammed his phone down, doing a weird angry dance before seeing that I was awake and freezing.

"What did I miss?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. Stiles blew a breath out from between his teeth, slamming his hands onto the steering wheel.

"A lot."

I do not own Teen Wolf. I do own a framed poster of Dylan O'Brien.

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