Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ah one more chapter until the dance;) This one is just me being a little comedian cos I’m super funny right? Note at the end, please readJ

I do not own Teen Wolf, but I do own one of those wolf headbands that howls when you hit the nose really hard. Sweg.

“Goood morning!” I chirped, sliding into my desk next to Allison’s in English. She looked at me curiously and pushed some dark hair behind her ear, leaning towards me with a very cliché teenage girl face on.

“Someone’s in a good mood.” Allison pointed out, raising her eyebrows expectantly. “Someone also didn’t answer her phone at all last night.” She added, crossing her arms on her desk and resting them on top of her open textbook.

“I was busy. Besidesss,” I dragged on, leaning towards Allison and ignoring Scott and Stiles as they came in the door. “I got myself a dress last night, which means you and Lydia are helping me get ready.” I added in a quieter tone. Allison grinned and bounced excitedly, looking from me to Stiles.

“You’re sure this isn’t a date?” She teased, and I bit my lip, knowing very well that my brother was listening in.

“Well he’s not my ‘just friends’ to the dance.” I pointed out, reiterating what I’d said to Stiles last night at the mall. Allison smiled brightly and opened her mouth to respond before she was cut off by the bell ringing, snapping it closed and giving me a look that said we’d talk after class. She faced the front and I mirrored her, adjusting my navy blue smock dress with a cream lace collar, flipping around, and waving at Scott and Stiles, who both waved back.

Today was going to be a good day.


“You look cute.” Lydia said bluntly as we headed to the bathroom before lunch. I smiled in thanks, looking over my outfit in the mirror. I got this cute navy blue and cream lace smock dress online, which was completely loose except for at my shoulders, and fell half-way down my thighs. I’d paired it with bunched mauve over-the-knee socks, my brown riding boots that had a strip of navy at the top, and my hair in a curled half-up. Lydia was right, I did look pretty great.

“Are you excited for the dance tonight?” I asked, adjusting my hair and turning to face Lydia as she dug through her bag for a tube of lipstick.

“Duh.” She uncapped the lippy and smeared it across her lips, smacking them together once before dragging her finger across the corners of her lips.

“You’re right, I completely forgot that you thrive off of social events.” I teased flatly, crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re like a nogitsune, but instead of feeding off of pain, you feed off of the drama and the low-quality streamers.”

“What the hell is a nogitsune?” Lydia asked, wrinkling her nose at me as she plucked a piece of lint off of her cardigan.

“We’re learning about Japanese Mythology in World Cultures... It’s pretty cool, actually.” I shrugged, waiting for her to finish up so we could leave. My stomach grumbled loudly, and a blush spread onto my face.

“And you think I’m a freak.” Lydia mused, strutting out of the bathroom with me on her tail.

“You are! I’m not taking Ancient Latin because regular Latin was too easy.” I pointed out, and Lydia glanced around as if to check that nobody had heard me mention her extremely high intelligence.

“So are we getting ready together or what?” Lydia asked, moving on as we walked to the lunch room. I could already hear the loud voices and clatter of trays from down the hall. My tummy rumbled in anticipation.

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