Chapter Fifteen

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STESSAAAAA for reals though things about to get cray. It’s the night of the full moooon.

I do not own Teen Wolf. I do own Teen Wolf.

That’s funny because I meant like I own a DVD copy of the movie haha I’m funny laugh thanks.

Super long update love me


Allison was lying on my bed and talking about Scott, per usual, while I was exchanging my very cute but very uncomfortable outfit for a pair of leggings and a loose white long sleeve shirt that covered part of my butt and made my black bra easily visible. It’s not like anyone who cared would be here tonight.

I was turning to leave my closet when I saw something out of place. My room was normally incredibly organized- Scotty always joked that I was somewhat OCD- and the fact that there was crumpled up clothes in the corner next to my rows of organized shoes by colour and heel height was very weird. I bent down and grabbed the grey material, holding it up and flipping it around to see the front.

It was his hoodie. The one I borrowed the other day when I’d spilled on myself. What great memories, I’m such a charmer. Before I could realize how creepy I was being, I lifted the material to my face and sniffed it. Stiles’ usual smell was laced with the smell of my vanilla grapefruit perfume, creating a scent that reminded me of sweet and sour chicken.

No, Stiles’ hoodie did not smell like sweet and sour chicken. But you know the way that sweet and sour chicken is both, well, sweet and sour? Stiles’ smell was this warm and clean and manly smell, and mine was delicate and fruity. It was such a contrast, but it somehow worked. It reminded me of sweet and sour chicken.

“Jessa?” Allison asked, and I dropped the hoodie into my hamper quickly. I needed to get myself together. Stiles had lied to me about something really freaking important, and I couldn’t forget about what he did to me just because his hoodie smelled good.

“Sorry, I just had some laundry to get together.” I covered, striding over and flopping onto my bed next to her. My dark hair fanned out on the bed spread and I grabbed a stand, holding it up and twisting it around my fingers.

“Anyway, I have to be home for dinner. Do you think you can give me a ride?” She asked, pulling her hair away from her face and closing up her text books that were scattered among my own all across my bed.

“Sure, I’m over studying anyway.” I sighed, grabbing a copy of my mother’s keys off of my desk and leading the way down the stairs. When we reached the living room, Allison and I pulled on our shoes and coats and were out the door in minutes.

The drive home was relatively silent, except for Allison and I talking about plans we had decided to make this weekend. We were both single, and after what Lydia had done earlier today- aka, make out with my brother- we decided to have a date night of sorts this weekend, including getting our nails done, going to the movies, and then having a romantic dinner at Red Robin’s. Really classy shit going down, you know. Quality first date activities.

“Bye!” I shouted out the window, waving as Allison closed the front door behind her. I wasn’t really looking forward to going back home. It was the full moon tonight, and Scott was probably not going to be in the best of moods. He’s just been dumped, his sister hated him, sort of, and definitely hated his best friend. His best friend who was probably going to be there. Joyful.

By the time I got home, Stiles’ baby blue jeep was already parked under the streetlight per usual, so I parked in the driveway and headed inside. There were no lights on downstairs, but the stair light was on. I quietly took off my coat and shoes, leaving them on the front rug and hanging my keys on the coat rack.

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