Chapter Thirteen

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PSA: Get ready for some Stessa drama hellz yeah. Also the Broncos freaking suck like what even. And I don’t even like football.

I do not own Teen Wolf and all that jazz. As of yesterday I own a bucket of my tears b/c the Seahawks suck.


Please shut up.” I laughed, chucking a curly fry at Stiles. It landed perfectly on the end of his upturned nose, which he scrunched up cutely before grabbing the fry and eating it. Ohhh Stiles.

It was nice being able to sit and laugh at all of the stupid and meaningful things Stiles had to say, especially after the events of the other night. I mean, we’d been running from an alpha wolf who wasn’t trying to kill us, but was trying to make my brother do it. My own brother said that he wanted to kill me.

“Hey Stiles?” I asked after a long sip of my strawberry milkshake, which was like a mouth orgasm. Stiles slowed his chewing and looked up at me, gulping before he nodded at me animatedly to continue. “I know that the alpha wants Scott to lose his old pack before he joins him.” I began, lowering my voice even though we were the only ones in the restaurant besides some guy in a black coat and this young woman with red hair wearing scrubs, who were sitting together quietly and drinking coffee.

“Yeah…” Stiles nodded, his face contorting into a sort of frown type thing that made my stomach twist.

“Why do you think he wanted Scott to… get rid of us?” I asked, pulling my hands into the sleeves of my sweater. Stiles watched my hands and a small smile twisted onto his lips before he looked up again and it was gone. “We’re not like him, we’re just people. Why do we have to die?” My voice cracked slightly, and Stiles sighed, moving around spastically like he does and then reaching towards my hand before jerking back and shoving his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

“Maybe it’s like a pack thing, he has to get rid of his old pack to join a new one. But he never had a pack before, instead it was just us. We’re Scott’s anchors.” Stiles explained.

“Allison is Scott’s anchor.” I corrected with a bit of a bitter edge to my voice. I loved her, I did, and she was my friend, but Scott had picked his girlfriend over his sister, and that hurt. Badly.

“You are too, Jessa.” Stiles assured me, giving me a softer look. “Who do you think Scott was thinking about when he first wolfed out? It wasn’t Allison. He barely knew her. You were his anchor, Jessa.” Stiles repeated, resting his hands on the table on either side of our plate with a few lone curly fries in it.

“So why does that mean he has to kill us?” I asked, crossing one arm on the table and resting my head in the palm of my other hand. I willed Stiles to hold my hand. Hold my hand, damnit.

“We’re his friends and his family, his anchors. We’re the reason he hasn’t joined the alpha, and I think that’s why he wants Scott to kill us off. We’re the only thing between them.” Stiles explained. It sort of made sense in a sick way. He could control Scott though, he made him want to kill us. So why couldn’t he make Scott hate us? Make him leave us behind and join him? Why did I have to die?

“So either Scott kills us or the alpha will do it himself?” I asked after a minute of thinking. Stiles stared blankly at the wall behind my head and then nodded, gulping.

“Yeah, probably.” Stiles answered finally, looking at me. “But I won’t let that happen, okay? Nobody’s going to die.” Stiles told me, staring straight into my eyes and using his authoritative voice. “I mean, it’s inevitable that a couple more people are going to die, I mean there’s a freaking crazy alpha wolf and sour-puss Derek Hale out on the prowl, but you know what I mean.” He rambled, nodding his head from side to side.

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