Chapter Twenty-Six

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One more chapter to go before it's all over. I do not own Teen Wolf.

The door swung pathetically on its hinges as I shoved my way into the toasted Hale house. The sight that met my eyes made me instantly regret entering the house. Allison shoved past me as she ran out the door, just in time for the two werewolves to pounce on  Peter.

A hand wrapped around my arm and I was pulled back outside by Allison, a terrified glint in her eyes.

"He's going to be okay, right?" She pleaded, and I realized the glint was fresh tears. She loved him. She still loved him.

"I don't know." I breathed, looking back over my shoulder as a howl sounded from within the house. The bangs and creaks and shouts of pain were enough to make me start shaking all over again.

Something light contrasting in the dark ruins of the house caught my eye and  I glanced back, realizing what I was looking at was Kate Argent's blond head in a pool of her own blood. She was lying lifeless on the floor as Scott and Derek attacked Peter. She was dead. And I felt nothing but pure determination. Determination not to let Peter Hale kill a single one of my friends.

Allison tugged on my arm and I stumbled away after her, my heels digging into the muddy ground and sticking. We rushed to her father, who was lying on the ground. A glint of light reflected off of his gun, lying feet away from him on the ground. I glanced at my distracted friend and then hurried over, grabbing the gun and clutching it tightly in my hand. I jumped to my feet, running away from the house to Allison. It was just in time, really, because not a second later Scott came flying through the front window, followed closely by a nearly formed Peter Hale. He bent down over Scott, watching him with bright red glowing eyes.

"Scott!" I screamed, stumbling back as Allison looked up from her father at the horror movie playing out in front of her eyes. Peter looked up at me, his eyes piercing me. My hand tightened over the gun and I realized I was still holding it. Before I could think it through, I raised the gun and pointed it straight at Peter, squeezing my eyes shut as I pulled the trigger.

A loud bang sounded, echoing in the dense forest. The after-shock sent me stumbling backwards and flat on my ass in the mud. Peter flinched as the bullet pierced him, but quickly recovered, tilting his head to the side before he began to approach me. I raised the gun, pulling the trigger over and over, but it was out of bullets. I'd used the last bullet to save Scott, and now it was coming back to bite me in the ass.

Somebody shouted my name as I crawled backwards away from the wolf approaching me. I threw the gun with as much force as I could muster, but Peter swatted it away without a care. His arm shot out and claws curled around my throat. I was lifted off of the ground, a cry of pain building up in my stomach but burbling out as black blood instead.

The voice shouted out again, but all I could hear was a ringing in my ears. Something flew through the air, landing in Peter's free hand with ease. He stared at it, releasing a low angry growl. Something was happening down on the ground, something flying through the air before a blinding warmth surrounded me and I felt myself falling, falling... falling.

I hit the ground with so much force that the ringing from my ears stopped and I was hit full force with the sounds of the chaos around me. All of the pain I had been numb to was suddenly seeping through me, like the adrenaline in your veins from a sugary drink. A shrill scream pierced the air and it took me a moment to realize that it was me screaming incessantly.

"Jessa!" Stiles shouted, collapsing to the ground next to me and dragging me into his arms. He was covered in blood, fresh bright red blood. I kept screaming, I couldn't seem to stop. "Jessa, you're okay, you're okay- oh, God." Stiles stuttered, holding me to his chest. My voice broke off and stopped, my breath shuddering out of me. I gasped, trying to breathe in, but it was like trying to breathe under water. I coughed instead, warm liquid burbling out of my mouth.

Peter crashed to the ground, engulfed in flames. And then there was shouting, and Derek's claws came down, breaking through Peter's throat. I watched him take his last breath. It was over. Nobody else was going to die. He'd killed Kate, he'd killed plenty. Peter had hurt Lydia and taken Stiles from me, and now it was over. We were all okay.

"Jessa." Scott's shout pierced the air, a low growl of agony as he ran to my side.

"I'm okay, Scott!" I spoke, muffled by the water in my mouth.

"Jessa, you're..." Stiles trailed off, the feeling of his hands on my arms disappearing.

"Don't let me go, Stiles. Now we can be together." I tried to say, but my mouth didn't move with my mind.

"Why can't I take it away?" Scott begged desperately, his hands curling around the sides of my face. But I couldn't feel them.

"Scott?" I pressed out. Stiles pulled his sleeve over his hand and wiped my mouth, his hands sliding my hair from my face. "Scott?"

"What?" He asked gently, his forehead wrinkling. He was crying.

"Scott... a-am I going to die?" I asked, pressing all of my breath out as I tried to get my mouth to move.

"No, you're not going to die." Scott assured, though I wasn't sure if it was for me or for him. He held his hands around my throat gently, wincing in concentration. "Why can't I take your pain away?" He shouted again, his hands tightening.

A warmth spread through my body as I looked into Stiles' cloudy brown eyes looming over me.

"I wa-as trying to -ay it earlier." I choked out, my hand flopping around as I reached for Stiles' chest with my fingers. I grasped the collar of his shirt as he bent over me. A tear dripped onto my cheek and my mouth turned into a smile.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, hanging my hand onto his shoulder. I was so tired, I just needed to go to sleep.

"Don't cry, Stiles." I said faintly, my hand falling from his shoulder and into the stomach of my beautiful dress.

"I love you, don't cry." My smile never left, even though Stiles' was never there. His voice cracked as he pressed his hand to my cheek, shaking uncontrollably.

"I love you, I love you." He repeated, his voice shaking as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to my head and then my lips. I didn't feel them. I wanted to feel them.

"I know." I breathed. It took so much effort to suck in another breath.

"Jessa, you're going to be okay!" Scott assured me weakly, his hand grabbing mine limply. "You're going to be fine."

"No." I shook my head, choking on my own blood. My mouth was filled with the metallic taste. "I love you. You're the best brother I co-uld have ever asked-ed for. Even wi-ith this furry little pro-oblem. Te-tell mo-om I love her."


"I love you. I love you Stiles."

The End

lol jk it's not over yet there's another chapter. I need more comments and votes to prove you're sticking with me til the end!!!

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