Loss of Control

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A/n: Heyo!!! New story! Yay! I hope you guys like this!

Quick shoutout to GreenDay2420 for giving me the idea for this story. You're awesome!

Billie's P.O.V:
"Why Adie?" I sobbed. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Because I don't want to be with you anymore Billie." Addriene sighed, not daring to make eye contact with me.

"Three times in the past week you've come home either drunk or high and I don't want you wrecking the house again!" Addriene said.

"That's not true!" I snarled, feeling anger bubbling up inside me. "I would never do something like that!"

"Oh but you would!" Addriene spat. "Last night you completely trashed the living room! There are still feathers on the floor from the pillow fight you had with Tré!"

"Is that all bitch?" I yelled. Adie looked hurt by what I'd just said. "Adie I'm sor-." I started but she cut me off mid sentence.

"Just get out of here you asshole!" She snarled. "And don't you ever think of coming back!"

"Fine!" I snarled, grabbing Blue off his stand and making my way towards the door. Just before I got to the door I turned around and shouted something that I knew I'd live to regret for a long time.

"I never loved you anyway!" I yelled as I stormed out of the house.

When I'd gotten far enough away from the house I stopped and let the first few tears that I'd been holding back fall from my eyes.

I had nowhere to go. I was all alone in the world. I clutched Blue to my chest and thought about what I was going to do now.

After standing on the sidewalk and thinking for a good five minutes I remembered the apartment that I'd bought for when and if something like this ever happened. I hoped that something like this would never happen, but I guess it had. No point on dwelling on the past...

The apartment wasn't too far from where I used to live. It was about a 15 minute walk. But today the walk felt much longer. Probably because I'd just had my heart ripped out and stamped on. Again. But then again, it really sounded like it had been my fault this time...

When I finally got to the apartment, I was shaking all over from sobbing. With shaking hands, I unlocked the door.

In anger I threw Blue on the floor, not caring if he broke or not. After all, he was just a stupid guitar! I could get more like him if I wanted to.

I angrily made my way into the kitchen and ripped the fridge door open. No food. Only alcohol. Mostly beer.

"Fine by me." I muttered as I grabbed a beer and sat on the couch. Maybe I could drink myself out of this nightmare.

After I'd finished my first beer, I went back and got another one. And another one, and another one, and an-.

This went on until I could barely walk straight. I eventually ended up collapsing on the floor and passing out.

I had gotten my wish. Finally being able to pass out into oblivion.

A/n: what did you guys think of chapter 1? Let me know in the comments what you thought. I always appreciate every comment I get!

By the way: I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST ADDRIENE! I just needed it to turn out this way to get the story going.

Rage and Love,

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