Basket Case

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Billie's P.O.V:
I felt my eyes begin to get heavy with tiredness. I yawned and tightened my arms around Mike's neck.

"Are you getting tired Bill?" Mike asked. I nodded weakly against Mike's shoulder, already feeling my eyes begin to droop with exhaustion.

I suddenly felt Mike get up. I instinctively kept my arms wrapped tightly around his neck and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I think we should get you cleaned up before you go back to sleep Billie." Mike whispered softly. I nodded, feeling myself falling asleep as Mike carried me to the bathroom.

Mike's P.O.V:
As I carried Billie to the bathroom I felt his breathing become slower against my neck, which could only mean one thing. He was falling asleep.

I wanted to get him cleaned up as quickly as possible, so I woke him up and gave him a quick bath before changing him into some new clothes and carrying him back to bed.

Billie's P.O.V:
I woke up to the feeling of someone stroking my hair. Soon the person stopped and I heard them get up and walk towards the door.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see Mike quietly making his way to the door.

"Mikey?" I whispered. He immediately turned around at the sound of my voice. He looked a bit surprised on seeing me awake but I continued non the less.

"C-can you s-stay with me tonight?" I whimpered. "I'm scared on my own." I could already feel my chest tighten again. Oh great. The beginnings of another panic attack...

Mike could obviously see that I was scared because he was at my side in an instant. He immediately sat down on the edge of the bed and took me into his arms again.

"Don't be scared Bill." He whispered. "Nothing's gonna hurt you. I promise." I shivered and hid my face in Mike's neck. I didn't want him to leave me.

I whimpered and clung to Mike as if it was the last time I'd ever see him. Mike must've gotten the message because he pulled me into his lap and started rocking us back and forth, all the while whispering soothing words in my ear to try and get me to calm down.

"P-please d-don't le-leave me M-Mikey." I whimpered fearfully. By now I'd started shaking violently with fear.

"Hey calm down Bill." Mike whispered soothingly in my ear. "I won't leave you. Not tonight. Not ever."

I looked up into Mike's eyes and saw something there that I'd never really seen before. He looked like he actually truly cared about me. No one had ever looked at me like that before. Not even Adie...

I think she'd been suspicious of me for a long time now. And I had a feeling that she never truly loved me anyway...

Whenever I walked down the street, people always gave me dirty looks. You'd think that because I was the lead singer in Green Day, people would be all over me right? I'd thought that too for a long time. But then I learned: nobody loves me...

I clung to Mike's shirt as I felt tears start to stream down my cheeks. Mike ran his fingers through my hair, trying to comfort me.

"Why doesn't anyone love me?" I sobbed against Mike's neck.

"Oh Billie." Mike gasped. "Don't say that. Everyone loves you."

"Like who?" I whimpered. Mike pulled me closer to him so that our chests were pressed together and so that the little space that had been between us a few seconds ago was no more.

"Everyone loves you Billie Joe." Mike whispered softly. "Me, Tré, the fans..." I shook my head when Mike said the last part.

"The fans don't love me." I replied, shivering slightly. "Whenever I see someone in the street they always give me dirty looks, no matter who it is."

"You really think that Billie Joe?" Mike asked, his voice didn't sound convinced at all.

I nodded slowly, my eyes beginning to once again feel heavy with tiredness.

Mike sighed. "Now that I think about it, people do always give you dirty looks. I can't imagine why though..."

"Maybe it's because I'm such an asshole?" I offered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You're not an asshole Billie." Mike whispered, resting his chin on top of my head.

"Don't try and deny it Mike!" I spat, suddenly feeling pissed off. "You know it's true! I am an asshole! You saw how I treated my wife back there! I was such a dick!" I harshly wrenched myself out of Mike's safe and comforting arms as I said those words.

"Calm down Bill." Mike whispered, putting both his hands on my shoulders.

"Why should I?!" I snarled, getting up off Mike's lap. I got up way to quickly and I suddenly saw black dots obscure my vision. I tried to ignore then as I angrily made my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked, getting up and walking towards me.

"Away from here!" I spat. The room swayed dangerously. I ignored the unpleasant sensation and continued walking out into the hallway.

"Come back here Billie Joe!" Mike said. I could clearly hear desperation and a little hint of anger in his voice.

"No!" I growled, making my way to the kitchen. For one terrifying moment my vision lurched sideways. Again I ignored the feeling and kept on slowly walking down the hall.

Mike ran after me and grabbed my shoulder. I spun round and what I did next really shocked me. I punched him in the face...

I recoiled my hand in shock. Mike's nose was bleeding heavily. What had I done? I didn't have much time to think about what I'd done however because the next moment, I felt my knees buckle under me. The last thing I remembered before it all went black was that I felt a pair of strong arms catch me before I fell...

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