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Tré's P.O.V:
Time seemed to slow down when I heard that Billie tried to kill himself, it was as if my world had stopped. He couldn't have done that! What would Mike say?!

I ran all the way to the hospital, desperately hoping that I wasn't too late... but what if I was...? What if Billie was already dead...?

'No!' I told myself sternly as I ran, a searing stitch in my side. 'Don't think like that Tré! He's fine! He just... he has to be fine!'

More than a few people gave me weird looks as I ran. I bet that more than half of them recognised who I was. I mean, it had gotten easier to recognise me recently. Ever since I'd dyed my hair blue, people had been coming up to me all over the place.

Luckily, nobody stopped me on my way this time. Thank god! I don't think I could've dealt with some crazy fan today...

After what felt like forever, I finally made it to the hospital. By now I was out of breath and completely drenched in sweat. Ok so I'll admit that I wasn't the fittest of people... but that's a conversation for another time...

"Where... B-Billie Joe Ar-Armstrong?!" I practically screamed at the receptionist once I found the front desk.

She had artificially dyed red hair that was tied up in a tight bun, which sat on the top of her head. Her eyes were dull and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. Her facial expression was, well, let's face it, bored. She looked completely bored out of her mind. I couldn't blame her, who in their right mind would want to be stuck overseeing stupid visitors and such as they came to see their loved ones?

"He's in room 182." She answered, only looking up from her computer for a split second before going back to squinting at the artificial light that was radiating from the screen.

"Thank you." I replied in a small voice. This was very unusual for me as I was normally very 'loud and annoying'... in Billie's opinion anyway... Billie... I had to find him. And quickly! Hopefully Mike was already with him...

I bit my lip and looked down, avoiding eye contact with everyone as I walked through the long hallways.

By the time I'd reached room 179 I realised that I desperately needed a piss. Luckily there was a bathroom just a little way in front of me down the hall.

When I entered the bathroom one thing immediately caught my eye.

There was a tallish figure lying on the ground. As I got closer to the figure, I realised with a stab of fear that it was Mike...

"Mikey...?" I whispered cautiously as I crouched down beside him.

He was out cold...

I bit my lip and took his body into my arms, gently running my fingers through his bleached blonde hair.

A small whimper came from the taller man and I placed a friendly kiss on his forehead in an attempt to soothe him.

"B-Billie..." Mike whimpered softly.

"Shhh Mikey..." I cooed. "He's safe..." I sucked in a breath. That could very possibly have been a lie... I didn't know if Billie was ok as I hadn't been to see him yet...

I didn't notice Mike's eyes slowly flutter open.

"T-Tré...?" A small voice whispered.

I looked down and saw with a feeling of intense relief that Mike had woken up.

"Mikey..." I whispered in relief, cradling the taller man in my arms. "I was so worried about you...!"

Mike seemed to ignore what I'd just said.

"I want my Billie!" He cried, trying to get up.

"Hey, calm down buddy... he's ok..." I bit my lip. Why was I lying like this...? Well, technically I wasn't really lying... but still...

"No!!" Mike growled. "I want my Billie!!"

I sighed and gently helped him up off the floor.

"Ok buddy." I whispered softly, wrapping an arm around him for support. "Let's go see him then."

A small smile appeared on Mike's face after I'd said that. A smile. Something I hadn't seen in a few days.

Mike practically ran across the hall to Billie's room, dragging me along with him.

Once we got inside Mike ran to Billie's side and immediately sat on the edge of the bed.

I smiled to myself, thinking that I should give them some alone time. So as quietly as I could, I backed out of the room and closed the door behind me.

Mike's P.O.V:
I heard the sound of the door closing and when I turned around to check, I found that sure enough, the door was closed and Tré had left.

For this I was a little grateful as I didn't know if Tré knew that I loved Billie. I really hoped he didn't know... I wasn't very good at answering awkward questions...

I turned back to my Billie and gently squeezed his hand, desperately wanting him to wake up.

"Come on Beej..." I whispered softly, with a hint of desperation in my voice. "You've gotta wake up... you have no idea how much I need you by my side..."

Little did I know that Billie had already woken up and was just pretending to be asleep...

No reply.

I whimpered softly and slowly leaned over to kiss his forehead.

"Please Billie... please wake up... please..."

Tears started streaming down my cheeks and I slowly took off my shoes and crawled into the small, uncomfortable hospital bed before pulling Billie into my arms and cradling him to my chest.

I kissed his forehead repeatedly and nuzzled against his warm chest.

I smiled a little as I inhaled his familiar scent. At least that hadn't changed...

Billie shifted a little and I slowly looked over at him. He was still asleep... I kissed his nose and slowly brought my hand up to play with his hair. It was greasy under my fingers.

"I love you Billie." I whispered and closed my eyes.

"I love you too Mike..."

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