Last Night On Earth

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Billie's P.O.V:
My eyes widened in shock.

"W-what...?" I croaked out, slowly looking up at my best friend.

Mike looked down. I giggled a little as I saw a blush creep to his cheeks.

"I-I-I s-said I-I l-love you t-too Billie..." he whispered, turning even more red.

A small smile creeped to my lips and I quickly leaned over to kiss his forehead.

Mike blushed even more, if that was even possible. Before I could do or say anything else, he grabbed my shirt and slowly pulled me towards him, crashing his lips against mine.

When our lips touched it was as if everything in the past week or so had never happened. Adie breaking up with me, me getting seriously drunk all the time, me punching Mike in the nose... all that didn't matter anymore. The only thing that mattered in the whole world right now, was Mike and I.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around Mike's neck, pulling him closer to me so that there was no space between us. He slowly brought his fingers up to play with my hair.

This went on for a few minutes until I felt like my lungs were about to explode. It felt like my lungs were on fire from the lack of oxygen and I even began to feel light-headed. But I didn't want to stop...

It was Mike who pulled away first. I whined at the loss of his lips on mine.

"Mikey..." I whined and looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"Yes sweetheart?" I blushed at the pet name.

"I want more kisses..." I whimpered and leaned up to kiss him again, only for him to pull away at the last second.

I whined and looked up at him.

He chuckled and kissed my nose.

"No more tonight sweetheart. My baby needs his sleepy time."


"No buts Billie." He said sternly, as if he was talking to a small child.

I pouted my bottom lip and whimpered softly. I could see it in his eyes that I was starting to get to him. I smirked a little and continued to pout and smirk, letting out an occasional whine.

"God dammit." Mike growled playfully. "Why're you so goddamn cute?"

I giggled and held my arms out for him.

"Ok sweetheart, but just one more kiss ok? Then it's sleepy time. Mikey's tired." He faked a yawn.

I giggled and nodded happily as he slowly leaned in towards me, once again capturing my chapped lips with his own.

Smiling, I eagerly pulled him closer, immediately wrapping my arms around his neck.

Once again, we kissed until we were both completely unable to breathe from lack of oxygen.

I smiled triumphantly as I slowly pulled away from my one true love.

Mike smiled lovingly at me and I blushed. He chuckled softly.

"Happy now sweetheart?" He whispered.

I nodded happily and snuggled into his chest, smiling as he wrapped his arms around me in a protective hug.

"Good." He whispered softly in my ear. "Because now it's sleepy time for my little Billie-Boo."

"I'm not wittle!" I pouted and kissed his nose.

Mike chuckled and lovingly kissed my forehead.

"Go to sleep sweetheart..." he whispered softly in my ear and began gently rocking me back and forth as if I was a baby.

"I can't sleep Mikey..." I whimpered and looked up at him. "I'm scared..."

"What're you scared of sweetheart?"

"I'm scared that this was all a dream and that when I wake up, I'll be at back home, waking up in my own throw up again... and you won't be there to help me..."

I whimpered sadly at my own words.

"Oh Billie..." Mike whispered softly. "You don't have to worry about that sweetheart. I promise you that this is all real. I promise that when you wake up tomorrow, I'll be right by your side."

He gently kissed my forehead and I snuggled close against his chest.

"I still can't sleep..." I whispered sadly as our legs got tangled together under the thin blanket.

"I've got an idea that might help you sleep sweetheart." Mike whispered and kissed my forehead softly.

I slowly looked up at him, looking into his bright blue eyes.

He smiled reassuringly at me and started to sing:

"I text a postcard sent to you
Did it go through?
Sending all my love to you
You are the moonlight of my life every night
Giving all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles 'til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you..."

A happy sigh escaped my lips as I laid cuddled up against his chest, listening to him sing.

Once he'd finished the last verse, I eventually felt my eyes beginning to close, suddenly feeling very tired. I still didn't want to sleep though...

Mike then started to gently run his fingers through my hair, something he always did when we were kids to get me to calm down. It always worked, and almost always made me fall asleep.

Just as I felt myself drifting off, I felt a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight Billie. I love you."


My chest hurt and I had a splitting headache. I over and rolled over onto my other side, almost falling off the small bed.

I whimpered as it started to become harder and harder to breathe with every passing second...

"M-Mikey..." I whimpered in fear, clutching at my chest.

No reply.

"Mikey..." I whimpered again, this time a little louder. I stretched my hand out next to me and that's when I realised that Mike wasn't lying next to me anymore...

A loud whimper escaped my lips as I suddenly felt a strong urge to throw up.

I leaned over the side of the bed and started vomiting up dark red liquid. Blood.

Another terrified whimper escaped my lips.

"Mikey!" I cried in fear before everything around me went black...

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