Still Breathing

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Mike's P.O.V:

A violent shiver ran up my spine when I heard a heart-wrenching cry coming from Billie's room.

I had just been speaking with a doctor and the news he told me was actually quite promising. He'd said that I could take Billie home in a couple days.

But I had a feeling that was all going to change when I opened the door to the hospital room...

Taking a deep breath, I slowly pushed open the door. What I saw made my blood run cold...

A whimper escaped my lips and I immediately ran to Billie's side.

He was passed out on the floor, surrounded by blood... for one terrible moment, I thought he was dead... that was until I checked his pulse. There was a heartbeat, but it was faint...

I took Billie's body into my arms, not caring that his blood was getting all over my shirt.

"Somebody help!!" I screamed desperately while cradling my Billie to my chest.

No answer.

"Please!!! We need help!!!" I screamed again, not caring that there were other patients. All I cared about right now was how lifeless Billie seemed in my arms.

Suddenly I heard running footsteps coming towards the room.

The door suddenly flew open and there stood the doctor that I had been speaking with only minutes earlier.

He rushed into the room and gently took Billie out of my arms, laying him down on the bed.

"What's wrong with him?!" I yelled desperately.

"I-I don't know sir..." the doctor replied. "I'll have to run some tests."

A loud whimper escaped my lips as I looked at my Billie. He looked so small and helpless... so fragile... the only thing I wanted in the whole world right now was for Billie to be ok again.

The doctor picked Billie up and started walking out of the room.

"M-Mikey!" Billie yelled desperately. "I want my Mikey!"

I ran to Billie and gently took his hand, tracing my thumb over his knuckles.

"It's ok, baby doll... it's ok..." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

Billie looked up at me with pleading eyes while squeezing my hand in a death grip.

"S-stay with me? P-please...?" He whimpered.

I felt my heart breaking and gently kissed his forehead.

"Hey... I'll be right here when you get back from the tests. I promise."

"But... I want to be with you now!" he whimpered and looked up at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.

My heart broke a little more as I gently stroked his hair; it felt greasy under my fingers. I looked up at the doctor with pleading eyes.

"He needs me... can I please stay with him?

I cringed a little when my question came out in a broken whisper.

•Still Breathing• ((Bike)) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now